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Box Set content (Chaos vs. DA)

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Everyone loves the mini rulebook. It sells boxes. Everyone I know wants one to carry in a pocket to games. If they don't put one in then they're missing a trick and it will cost them sales.
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The Chaos stuff sounds kind of disappointing unless of course they look cool which might make up for it whilst I only play chaos I am highly tempted to get the Dark Angels and convert them into chaos especially if the models are pretty awesome, looks like my bank account will suffer once again
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I'm actually quite excited with Chaos Lord PA model, I have a TDA lord, but always wanted cool PA model. I really hope Lord's model is something like we've seen in first Dawn of War game. Slightly dissapointed with this new walker though, maybe it'll be a MC? And it's strange, that DA get 3 HQ while Chaos gets one, so I hope it's not a chaplain, but a Dark Apostle :P
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Depending on the price and how nice the models are, my housemate and I will either split a box between us or get two and I'll get all the Chaos and he'll get all the Dangels. If there's no miny rulebook however, there's not much point buying the second box.
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via Mad Mek

i was in my local GW for the 1st time in a while when the staff tried selling me a 6th ed rule book

i said i was going to wait for the starter set for the mini copy, i was then told by this staff the

starter set will not have the full rule set but a basic rule set and you still need to buy the big rule

book no matter weather you get the starter or not


If this turns out to be true, why even bother buying the starter set?


If GW manages to pull something like that then it is worth to look elsewhere for another game.


On the other hand, local shop staff are trying to make sales. So I have heard many crap over the years from them.

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The rumours of no mini rulebook have already been countered on faeit 212 by senior managers saying it is b.s. Just a bad redshirt trying to sell more brb.


I'm excited by more cultists, the rest is meh, but I have already agreed to split two boxes with a da player in my club.

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The cultists excite me, I already spent the past 3 days putting together 20 custom ones made from FW renegade enforcer torsos, High elf legs and various weapon bits to represent "auto-guns" lol, another 20 will be awesome...the Hellbrute intrigues me... the chosen I can find use for somehow...and the DA give me an excuse to start building another Army, lol....

I will say I am kinda excited about the possibility of the Interrogator-chaplain actually being a Dark Apostle but if it's not I'm not worried.


They just better release the new Chaos and DA codices hot on the heels of the starter set.....




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Looking at the box contents, it looks like a horribly onesided fist fight in favor of the loyalists, but maybe Chaos will have rules that will get them in danger close? Maybe the Brute thing will be interesting, maybe the thing only look like a melta gun, but is something like a melta cannon (blast/flamer template?)


I really, really want to have a fun army to play. So long as it's fun to play, and I don't feel like I'm getting screwed by my own army's rules I'm fine. I really, really want to have an army I can like the fluff on. More I think about it, more I want an Iron Warrior army-but I'm not big on hazard stripes...

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If someone takes the rumored contents of the box, yes it is one sided if you try to play them. The mission probably will balance things out. However I doubt anyone will get it for the mission.


Consider this. We gonna have a box, that we can make a small chaos force out of it by using everything in it. Plus come conversions.

I hope all those DA have robes. They gonna make good Thousand Sons and The Fallen conversions.


As for the Fallen, charcoal or very dark grey robes, dark forest green armour and red chaos marks, going to make them look very cool. (yes the 'Unknown' chapter in the CSM codex is The Fallen)

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If someone takes the rumored contents of the box, yes it is one sided if you try to play them. The mission probably will balance things out. However I doubt anyone will get it for the mission.


As for the Fallen, charcoal or very dark grey robes, dark forest green armour and red chaos marks, going to make them look very cool. (yes the 'Unknown' chapter in the CSM codex is The Fallen)


As per usual, it'll be unfavorably balanced towards the "good guys" to appease the masses.


They'll be your models so you can of course do what you want, but the Fallen separated themselves from the Dark Angels before their armor was painted green, thus their armor would be black.

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Any official word about when though?

According to Warseer's StickMonkey:



Starter Sets up for Pre-order August 25th. Released September 1st.


Which means there should be photos of everything posted sometime around August 21st-22nd.


Don't they usually drop it around Gamesday?

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