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Coming up with a new Color Scheme and background material

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So I got thinking again of a new Warband. This one will be based off the survivors of the Warbands who were abandoned on Antecanis after Abbadon used the other Warbands as a Feint so his Legion forces could escape the Imperial Counter-Attack.


Now I don't know if I want to include Silver Skull Renegades and even Black Legion into this mix, but I'm trying to make a Warband a conglomeration of their Paint Schemes and Allegiances for Undivided, Khorne, and Nurgle.


Got any brain starters besides Red, Crimson/Maroon, Metal trim, and black?

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could be your warband's pleas to get off world were answered by khorne/nurgle/some unidentified deity? in 'conquest of armageddon' (i think thats the title, its a black templars book with a dready on the front and they have to hunt down some geneseed lost fighting orks in the armageddon jungle), there is a berzerker warband from the 1st war of said planet that goes through a portal only to end up on the future version of the world. this was opened up using a blood ritual iirc. my point is that can explain a way off world, then you can determine how long they spend in the warp/daemon worlds and what and why they go for a particular colour scheme.

i'd say standard troops could have metallic arms and trim, with black torsos, helmets and heads and red shoulder pads. however, you could also add in various shades of greens and browns for nurglesque followers, give more red to khornate chums (red arms and helmets instead of silver and black respectively) and undivided have the basic colour scheme. tzeentchian troops could go for a more bizarre look and substitute black for purple/blue whereas as slaanesh troops can have the basic scheme but use different trim colours.

hope this helps, its all i can think of at the moment. good luck with the new warband and all.

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There were only Warbands recorded from the Purge, World Eaters, Word Bearers, and Apostles of MinthRas alongside Abbadon's Black Legion forces and his new Demon Prince ally. It doesn't help that the BL and Purge are mostly Black, with the Apostles, WBs and WEs Red with metal trim.


Actually, it makes it easy. I'm thinking of making the leader of the Warband a Renegade Silver Skull, as it seems Abbadon successfully withdrew his forces while the others stayed and fought on. I don't know how to gauge how much Green and Red for this, as The Purge and World Eaters are purists while the other half are Undivided. Random color time!


Edit: I'll take a bit of what you're saying. Black Helmet, Black Backpack. Main is a Steel (chainmail). Trim is Black (Chaos), the Shoulder pads are Red with black Trim (Blood Red, Chaos). Legs have Blood Red on them, either flame pattern or a fade out. (Company of Misery/Tiger Claws).


I'm testing this out in Space Marine, then the painters. It looks nice so far. I may opt to write out The Purge survivors being torched to not infect the remaining survivors with a primal focus on Khorne, or just stick to Undivided.




Rough painter

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