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Overwatch Kills Unit being Charged During a Multi-Charge?


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So I had a squad of guardsmen next to a squad of stormtroopers, who were multi-charged by a squad of boyz. The boyz had shot at the stormtroopers and only one was still alive, with his plasma gun. He overwatched, and rolled a Gets Hot! and promptly failed his armor save. So the unit that was being charged (the Storm Troopers) no longer existed. We took this as the same situation as the charging unit being out of range and deemed that they could not charge, even though the other squad who they declared the multi-charge against was still alive. Did we do that right?


Reason for Edit: I can't spell.

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Yes, you did it right. Since you shot at the Stormtroopers, that makes them the Primary target. The first charging model has to move into contact with the closest model in the primary target, but since he's dead, the charge fails. Page 28 has your answers!
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