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Death Guard Codex

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Hi all,


It's a long time which I tried to put together ideas and desires of what I intend for a real Death Guard Codex. Obviously GW didn't listen to me :) , so I decide to write down some ideas.


This is my final job, surely it's not perfect and probably there will be errors and imprecision, but I submit you so you can read it and give me feed back on what it could be better and what need change. I post only rules and equipment in order to save space, so it could seems incomplete, but I erased all the BG and picture.Special Characters




Mabrothrax, The Plague Lord

Mabrothrax at the time of Horus’ Heresy was a simple squad Sergeant, but he not only survived to the long campaign of death and destruction, but he increased his power and strength among his brothers. After the heresy he became a Champion, and continued to fight in every battle Mortarion sent him. The great Demon Prince himself noticed his bravery and his loyalty, either Grand father Nurgle saw him and gifted him with his bless and protection.

Mabrothrax received command of the 7th Great company in M35.345 and he still lead it. He followed his master dogma and prefer a strong infantry assault, leaded by terminators and supporter by Dreadnough and some of the old predators rather than any other style of combat.

He received a gift from Mortarion Himself that is a poisonus gauntlet called Contagion Dealer: It’s a strange biomechanical power fist, covered with pus, slime and buboes. From it’s cracks, cloud of flies and bilious slime continually flow and spread contagion all around him.

When he fought on Slabatrax III, during the fourth Black Crusade, he discovered a hidden temple of great Father Nurgle. It was destroyed by Orbital bombardment and purified with flamer and Heavy flamer by a Salamanders battle force; anyway Mabrothrax, inspired by powerful vision drove his retinue in the deeper chamber of the temple and found a block of dark, greenly metal. At that time he didn’t know what it was, but he took it on the wings of the whispers in his corrupted mind. After the battles on the planet and after the decisive battle which drove the Salamanders away from the planet, he returned to Barbarus and show to his master what he had found. Mortarion gave the metal to his blacksmith and Sorcerers and when they finished their job he gifted his loyal Champion with a large scythe, covered in runes and mysterious symbols. It was Slayliving, a powerful demonic weapon blessed from Nurgle himself. This is the weapon that Mabrothrax bring now in every battle.



WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

6 4 4 5 4 4 3 10 2+ / 4+


Slayliving: It’s a demonic weapon that follow their normal rules, It’s poisoned (4+) and it shows Nurgle’s favour to Mabrothrax. It grant him a 4+ invulnerable save instead of the normal 5+ and once per game he can re-roll the dice for the number of the attack, but he must retain the second result, even if it is worse than first.


Contagion Dealer: It’s seems a power fist, but it’s not. Instead flies and bilious slime that continually flow from its cracks surrounded Mabrothrax with a cloud of contagious miasma and tainting insects. He can release its power in every shooting phase, he count to have the Psychic Power “Nurge’s Rot”, but it isn’t a real Psychic Power so it not may be countered in any way. If Mabrothrax is killed Contagion Dealer explodes and release all is terrible power: centre on Mabrothrax the large template, every model under the template suffer a wound with no armor save allowed with the result of 6 on a dice.


Blight Granades: Mabrothrax has got plenty of this foul equipment. He can use it even if he’s in Terminator Armor.






DEATH GUARD Special Rules.


Favored Son:

Death Guard are the favoured legion of Grandfather Nurgle, marines and demon of the legion received his very favoured blessing. He greats his sons and his servants with a special attention on the battlefield.

Any unit numbering the Nurgle’s favoured number of 7 or multiples of 7 (eg. 14) may upgrade one model to a champion for free. (This does not include a model joins the unit, only members that started the game as unit may benefit).


Infantry Made the Dirty Job:

Mortarion was an infantryman and he taught his man how to fight on foot. Legion prefer to fought on foot and, in agreement with their Primarch law, they prefer the short range, bloody firefight. So they quickly left the long range weapon for shortest range, but highly dangerous weapon, like Meltas, Plasma and Flamer.

Only the first two troops choice may select a Rhino as a dedicated transport. Any other plague marines troop that have a Rhino as a dedicated transport, count as Fast Support. Death Guard’s havocs and Chosen can’t select any heavy weapon, instead they must select Plasma gun, Melta gun, Flamer or Heavy Flamer where it’s possible.

If you field a Nurgle Lord or Sorcerer in terminator Armor instead of a Demon Prince, your Terminators and Chosen can claim the objective (but still remain Elite choice)


Contagion above all:

When the Death Guard fight to claim a new world, or when they fight to destroy a new one in the name of their god, they bring terrible plagues and contagions with them.

If you play a campaign (after the first battle) or Apocalypse battle, before the game begins, you can put D3 Apocalyptic Template everywhere on the table (they represent the toxic cloud of yellow fog, moving on the battlefield when the doomed world starts to fall). When the template are placed roll artillery dice and move the template of 4D6” in the direction indicated (if you roll an hit the cloud don’t move at all). Every model touched by the cloud suffer an automatic Str 3 hit with normal armor save allowed. If a cloud touch a transport, the passenger suffer the effect only with a 5+ on a dice (one dice for all the passenger). Model with the mark of Nurgle and Nurgle’s demon are immune to the effect of the couds.


Death From Above:

Chosen of the Death Guard are the best warrior of the lost legion. They have no special ability like infiltration or furious charge, they worth nothing in this training. They prefer to strike hard, and deadly in the heart of the enemy. If selected, they may use one of the extremely rare and still functional Dreadclaw drop pod. If selected can enter the game using the Dreadclaw rules listed below.




Menreaper: This weapon and other like this, but with other names, are Demonic Weapon. Usually they have shape of great Scythes or Great swords. All of them appear rusted, covered with putrid slime, pus and other terrible thing. They count as two hands weapon even if they are bring with a single hand. It give +1D6 attack to the owner and always wound enemy with a result of 4+ on a D6. If 1 is rolled for the number of the attacks, the owner can’t attack at all and suffer a single warp peril attack. This kind of weapon count a Power Axe for the purpose of armour saves.


Sword of Contagion: This swords are covered and filled with pus and contagious slime, even a little wound, made with this blade can spread Nurgle’s contagion in the body of the victim. His immune system collapse in few seconds and the victim fell victim of one of the thousand blesses of Nurgle. For every wound inflicted and not saved by this weapon roll a die: with the result of 5+ the victim die regardless of how many wounds he could still have. This weapon count a Power Sword for the purpose of armour saves.


Blight Grenades: These are defensive grenades and follow the rules present in the rule book (Pag 62).




Psychic Power


Warptime – (Warp Power 1)

Codex: Chaos Space Marines 4.0 Pag 88


Nurgles Rot – (Warp Power 1)

Codex: Chaos Space Marines 4.0 Pag 88


Nurgle’s Vomit (Wind of Chaos) - (Warp Power 1)

Codex: Chaos Space Marines 4.0 Pag 88


Nurgle’s Dance - 15pts – (Warp Power 1)

This power is cast in the players shooting phase with a range of 12”. The target must pass a leadership test or suffer a -1 attack penalty (to a minimum of 1).


Nausea - 15pts – (Warp Power 1)

This power is cast in the enemy’s shooting phase with a range of 18”. An enemy unit or independent character (but not a vehicle) within range and line of sight will be at -1BS for this shooting phase.


Affliction - 20pts – (Warp Power 1)

This power is cast in the players shooting phase with a range of 12”. If successful the psyker may target an enemy unit or independent character not attached to a unit and inflict D3 wounds, armour and cover saves may not be taken but invulnerable may be taken as normal.


Aura of Decay - 25pts – (Warp Power 1)

This power is cast at the beginning of the players assault phase with a range of base contact. If successful all models in base contact are at -1 Resistence.




Summoning Demons:


Unit of demons always start the game in reserve, even in missions that not normally allow the reserves rules to be used. When a unit of demon become available it’s deployed as specified below. The Unit that entered in game in this way doesn’t move in the movement step, but may run in the fire step (note that the haven’t the flee on foot rules). Units entered in game with the summoning rules may assault in the same turn as they arrived on the table.


Greater Demon: Greater Demon starts the game in reserve and become available with the normal Reserves Rule. When the demon become available, chose a model of a Chaos Lord, Sorcerer or Champion on the battlefield. This model is the “favoured” of the god: his body start to bloat, and to suffer faster mutation till it explode in a cloud of flesh and bones when the Demon inside free himself. Remove the model from the game (it doesn’t count as it lost). Place the Greater Demon on the table in place of the Champion. If the model was in hand to hand, place the demon as close as possible with the enemy, but not engaged in Hand to hand. If no suitable model are present on the battlefield when he become available he’s destroyed; remember that he can’t posses any model arrived from reserve in the same turn as demon. If the possessed model is inside a vehicle the demon appear in the table at 2” from any access point.


Lesser Demon: Lesser Demons are deployed in the same way as a troop that arrive from reserve using the Deep Strike Rules. Place the first model up to 6” to a Icon and proceed as normal with the other models. If no Icons are present at the moment when demons become available the units are destroyed; remember that they can’t use an Icon arrived from reserve in the same turn as demons. Units of lesser demons cannot further move in the movement step, but may assault in the assault phase. Units of demons not scattered when arrived up to 6” from any Icon. If the Icon is inside a vehicles the demon are placed up to 6” to the transport itself (measure from any points of the hull, not from the access points).





Death Guard Legion




Special Character


Mabrothrax, The Plague Lord 220 Pt


WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

6 4 4 4(5) 4 4 3 10 2+ / 4+



Unit Composition:

1 Character (Independent Characters)


Unit Type:




Terminator Armour

Contagion Dealer


Blight Granades

Personal Icon


Special Rules:


Independent Character

Feel no pain

Mark of Nurgle



May have a retinue of 2 to 6 Plague terminators, this squad doesn’t occupy any Elite slot, instead it’s a HQ choice and if it was destroyed it count as a squad for kill points purpose or for other point value.


If Mabrothrax has a retinue, they can select a Land Raider as dedicated transport.




0-1 Daemon Prince - 140 points


WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

7 4 6 6 4 4 4 10 3+ / 5+



Unit Composition: Options:

1 Daemon Prince May have wings for +20 Points


Unit Type:


War gear:

Close Combat Weapon Psychic Power:

Special Abilities: If the Prince is a Psycher he may buy one of the following

Mark of Nurgle power for the indicate cost. If he had took Contagion above all

Fearless he may select additional Psychic Power, but he may not cast it

Feel no Pain if he use, or intend to use, the Nurge Rot Power in the same turn.

Psyker Nurgle Rot: +15 Pt

Eternal Warrior Wind of Chaos: +30 Pt

Iron Hide (Armor Save 3+) Warptime +25 Pt

Monstrous Creature Aura of decay +25 Pt

Affliction +20 Pt

Nausea +15 pt





0-1 Nurgle’s Lord - 115 points


WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

6 5 4 4(5) 3 4 3 10 3+ / 5+



Unit Composition:

1 Chaos Lord


Unit Type:




Power Armour


Bolt Pistol


Frag, Krak and Blight Grenades

Personal Icon


Special Rules:


Independent Character

Feel no pain

Mark of Nurgle



Replace Chainsword and/or bolt pistol with

-Power Weapon +15 pts

-Power Fist +30 pts

-Lighting Claw +20 pts

-Pair of Lighting Claws +30 pts [can't use ranged weapons]

-Manreaper (Daemon Weapon) +40 pts

-Sword of Contagion+25pts

-Plasma Pistol +15 pts


Replace bolt pistol or bolter with:

-Twin-Bolter +3 pts

-Combi-Weapon +10 pts


Can take Melta Bombs +5 pts


Replace power armour, Chainsword, bolt pistol, bolter, frag, krak and blight grenades with terminators armour, power weapon and twin-bolter +40 points

Replace Terminator armour's power weapon with:

-Power Fist +10 pts

-Chainfist+15 pts

-Lighting Claw+10 pts

-Chaos Weapon +15 pts

-Man reaper (Daemon Weapon) +25 pts

-Plague Sword +15pts


Replace Terminator armour's twin-bolter with:

-Combi-Bolter +5 pts

-Lighting Claw +10 pts




0-1 Summoned Great Demon – 100


WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

8 0 6 6 6 3 5 10 4+



Unit Composition:

1 Greater Demon


Unit Type:

Monstrous Creature



Single Hand Weapon


Special Rules:


4+ Invulnerable Save




Death Guard may include a single Greater Demon. This isn’t a Great Uncle One, but one of the other large and cumbersome Deamon of Nurgle. This model doesn’t use any force organization slot, but is otherwise treated as HQ choice. He enter in play using the evocation rules listed above.




0-1 Nurgle’s Sorcerer - 125 points

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

5 5 4 4(5) 3 4 3 10 3+ / 5+



Unit Composition:

1 Sorcerer


Unit Type:




Power Armour

Force Weapon

Bolt Pistol

Frag, Krak and Blight Grenades


Special Rules:


Independent Character

Feel no pain

Mark of Nurgle



Replace Force weapon and/or bolt pistol with

-Power Weapon +15 pts

-Power Fist +30 pts

-Lighting Claw +20 pts

-Pair of Lighting Claws +30 pts [can't use ranged weapons]

-Sword of Contagion +25pts

-Plasma Pistol +15 pts


Replace bolt pistol or bolter with:

-Twin-Bolter +3 pts

-Combi-Weapon +10 pts


Can take Melta bombs +5 pts


Replace power armour, Chainsword, bolt pistol, bolter, frag, krak and blight grenades with terminators armour, power weapon and twin-bolter +40 points

Replace Terminator armour's power weapon with:

-Power Fist +10 pts

-Chainfist+15 pts

-Lighting Claw+10 pts

-Chaos Weapon +15 pts

-Plague Sword +15pts


Replace Terminator armour's twin-bolter with:

-Combi-Bolter +5 pts

-Lighting Claw +10 pts



The Sorcerer starts the game with one of the following psychic power for free and can take another one for the following cost:

Nurgle Rot: +15 Pt

Wind of Chaos: +30 Pt

Warptime +25 Pt

Aura of decay +25 Pt

Affliction +20 Pt

Nausea +15 pt





Chosen of Nurgle - 26 points each


WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Chosen 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 1 10 3+

Champion 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 2 10 3+



Unit Composition:



Unit Type:




Power Armour

Close combat weapon

Bolt Pistol


Frag, Krak and Blight Grenades


Special Rules:


Feel no pain

Mark of Nurgle

Death from Above



One model may be upgraded to an Aspiring Champion for + 10 points.



Any model may have Melta bombs for +5 points for models.


One model may select a Personal Icon for + 5 points.


Up to four models may replace their bolters wit one of the following option:

Plasma Gun +15 pts

Melta Gun +10 pts

Flamer +5 pts

Power Fist +25 pts

Sword of Contagion +15 pts


One model may select an Heavy Flamer for + 10 pts



The squad must may select a Dreadclaw drop pod, or a Rhino, or a Land Raider as dedicated transport.




Possessed of Nurgle - 35 points each

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Chosen 4 4 5 4(5) 1 3 2 10 3+/5+

Champion 4 4 5 4(5) 1 3 3 10 3+/5+


Unit Composition:



Unit Type:




Power Armour

A single Close combat weapon

Bolt Pistol


Frag, Krak and Blight Grenades


Special Rules:


Feel no pain

Mark of Nurgle

Demonkin (feel no pain)

Invulnerable save 5+



One model may be upgraded to an Aspiring Champion for + 10 points.



One model may select a Personal Icon for + 5 points.



The squad must may select a Rhino as dedicated transport.



Toughness of possessed is simply incredible, their feel no pain is at 3+




Terminators of the Death Guard - 38 points each

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Chosen 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 2 10 2+/5+

Champion 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 3 10 2+/5+


Unit Composition:



Unit Type:




Terminator Armour

Power weapon

Twin-linked Bolter


Special Rules:


Feel no pain

Mark of Nurgle



One model may be upgraded to an Aspiring Champion for + 10 points.



One model may select a Personal Icon for + 5 points.


Any model may replace their power weapon with one of the following:

Power Fist +10 pts

Chainfist +15 pts

Sword of Contagion +15 pts

Lightning Claw +10 pts


One model every five may replace the Twin-linked with one of the following:

Heavy Flamer for + 5 pts

Reaper Autocannon +20 pts


One model may replace Twin.linked Bolters and Power Weapon with a pair of Lightning Claw for +10 pts.



The squad of five or less may select a Land Raider as dedicated transport




Death Guard’s Dreadnought 90 pt



WS BS Str Front Side Rear I A

Dreadnought 4 4 6/10 12 12 10 3 3


Unit Composition:



Unit Type:

Vehicle (walker)



Smoke Launchers

Search light

Dreadnough Close Combat Weapon incorporating a Twin-linked Bolter.


Special Rules:




The other arm must select one of the following option:


Twin-linked Autocannon +20 pts

Twin-linked Lascannon +35 pts

Twin-linked Heavy Bolter +15 pts

Multimelta +10 pts

Plasma Cannon +15 pts

Additional Dreadnough Close Combat Weapon incorporating a Twin-linked Bolter +10 pts


May take Demonic Possession for + 20 pts

May take Extra Armor for +15 pts


One of close combat weapon (along with its incorporated Twin-linked Bolter) may be replaced with a missile launcher for no additional cost; this reduce to 2 the number of the attack on the profile and it’s no more armed with Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon.








Plague marine - 23 points each

WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Chosen 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 1 10 3+

Champion 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 2 10 3+


Unit Composition:



Unit Type:




Power Armour

Close combat weapon

Bolt Pistol


Frag, Krak and Blight Grenades


Special Rules:


Feel no pain

Mark of Nurgle



One model may be upgraded to an Aspiring Champion for + 15 points.

He may replace his Close Combat Weapon with one of the following:

Power Fist +25 pts

Sword of Contagion +15 pts

Power Sword +10 pts


He may replace is Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for +15 pts



One model may select a Personal Icon for + 5 points.


Up to two models may replace their bolters wit one of the following option:

Plasma Gun +15 pts

Melta Gun +10 pts

Flamer +5 pts



The squad may select a Rhino as dedicated transport.





Plague Bearer - 15 points each


WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Chosen 4 0 4 5 1 3 1 10 5+



Unit Composition:



Unit Type:




Plaguebearers count to have a single Close Combat Weapon


Special Rules:


Feel no pain

Demonic Save 5+

Slow and purposeful

Summoned: Plaguebearers use Troops slot for the force organization charts.




Plague Zombies - 5 points each


WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Chosen 2 0 4 3 1 2 1 10 -



Unit Composition:



Plague Zombies are the result of a strange Nurgle’s Plague. They are Mindless and aren’t able to do nothing apart roaming across the battlefield. Only Nurgle’s Sorcerer are able to command those terrible undead.


You can field a single unit of Plague Zombies, only if you field at least one Sorcerer of Nurgle.

Plague Zombies are mindless and can’t claim or contest objectives. Till the sorcerer is alive they can act normally, following his will on the battlefield; if the Sorcerer is death they move and act like the Chaos Spwan (see Chaos Codex Pag 99)



Unit Type:




Plague Zombies are armed only with their fangs and teeth


Special Rules:


Feel no pain


Slow and Purposeful





Plague marine - 23 Points each


WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Chosen 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 1 10 3+

Champion 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 2 10 3+



Unit Composition:



Unit Type:




Power Armour

Close combat weapon

Bolt Pistol


Frag, Krak and Blight Grenades


Special Rules:


Feel no pain

Mark of Nurgle



One model may be upgraded to an Aspiring Champion for + 15 points.

He may replace his Close Combat Weapon with one of the following:

Power Fist +25 pts

Sword of Contagion +15 pts

Power Sword +10 pts


He may replace is Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for +15 pts



One model may select a Personal Icon for + 5 points.


Up to two models may replace their bolters wit one of the following option:

Plasma Gun +15 pts

Melta Gun +10 pts

Flamer +5 pts



The squad must select a Rhino as dedicated transport.



Blight Drone 125 Points


BS Front Side Rear

Blight Drone 2 12 11 10



Unit Composition:



Unit Type:

Vehicle (Fast, Skimmer)



Mawcannon (Vomit or Phelgm)

Reaper Autocannon


Special Rules:


Explosion of Pus






- Vomit Tamplate 6 4 Assault 1

- Phelgm 36” 8 3 Assault 1 5” Blast

- Reaper Autocannon 36” 7 4 Heavy 2 Twin-linked


EXPLOSION OF PUS: When a Blight Drone is destroyed, invariably detonate in a shower of bile and pus. Treat any Wreck result on the Vehicle damage table as Destroyed.






Plague marine Havocs- 23 points each


WS BS S T W I A Ld Save

Chosen 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 1 10 3+

Champion 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 2 10 3+



Unit Composition:



Unit Type:




Power Armour

Close combat weapon

Bolt Pistol


Frag, Krak and Blight Grenades


Special Rules:


Feel no pain

Mark of Nurgle



One model may be upgraded to an Aspiring Champion for + 15 points.

He may replace his Close Combat Weapon with one of the following:

Power Fist +25 pts

Sword of Contagion +15 pts

Power Sword +10 pts


He may replace is Bolt Pistol with a Combi-weapon for +10 pts



One model may select a Personal Icon for + 5 points.


Up to four models may replace their bolters wit one of the following option:

Poison Burner + 15 pts

Plasma Gun +15 pts

Melta Gun +10 pts

Flamer +5 pts



The squad may select a Rhino as dedicated transport.




Poison Burner:

Poison Burner is a terrible weapon of destruction, filled with the worst and terrible Nurgle’s putrescent slime, it can kill every one who simply smell the vapour of the spry.


The Poison Burner has the following profile:


Range STR AP Special

Poison Burner Template - 4 Poison (3+)



Death Guard’s Predator 70 pt



BS Front Side Rear

Predator 4 13 11 10



Unit Type:

Vehicle (Tank)



Turret Mounted Autocannon

Smoke Launchers

Search light



Upgrade the Autocannon to a Twin-linked Lascannon for 35 pts


Take side sponsons with Heavy bolter for 30 pts or with Lascannons for 60 pts.


Dozer Blade for +5 pts

Extra Armor for +15 pts


Demonic Possession for + 20 pts

Dirge Caster + 5 pts


One of the following pintle mounted weapons:

- Twin-linked Bolter +5 pts

- Combi Weapon +10 pts

- Havoc Launcher + 15 pts



Death Guard’s Vindicator 125 pt



BS Front Side Rear

Vindicator 4 13 11 10


Unit Type:

Vehicle (Tank)



Hull Mounted demolisher cannon

Smoke Launchers

Search light

Dozer Blade



Extra Armor for +15 pts

Demonic Possession for + 20 pts

Dirge Caster + 5 pts


One of the following pintle mounted weapons:

- Twin-linked Bolter +5 pts

- Combi Weapon +10 pts

- Havoc Launcher + 15 pts



Death Guard’s Defiler 150 pt



WS BS Str Front Side Rear I A

Defiler 3 3 6/10 12 12 10 3 3



Unit Type:

Vehicle (walker)



Smoke Launchers

Search light

Two Dreadnough Close Combat Weapon (extra attack already included in the profile above)

Battle Cannon

Reaper Autocannon

Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer

Demonic Possession



Special Rules:

Fleet on foot



The Heavy Flamer can be replaced with one of the following:

- Close Combat Arm (+1 Attack) for free

- Havoc Launcher + 5 pts

- Poison Burner +10 pts

Reaper Autocannon can be replaced with one of the following:

- Twin Linked Heavy bolter for free

- Twin Linked Lascannon + 20 pts

- Close Combat Arm (+1 Attack) for free




Death Guard’s Land Raiders 220 pt



BS Front Side Rear

Land Raider 4 14 14 14



Unit Type:

Vehicle (Tank)



Two sponson mounted Twinlinked lascannons

One hull mounted Twinlinked Heavy Bolters

Smoke Launchers

Search Light



Assault Vehicles



Extra Armor for +15 pts

Dozer Blade + 5 pts

Demonic Possession for + 20 pts

Dirge Caster + 5 pts


One of the following pintle mounted weapons:

- Twin-linked Bolter +5 pts

- Combi Weapon +10 pts

- Havoc Launcher + 15 pts



10 Models.

Models in Terminators Armour count as two models.

Summoned demons, even if they are rated infantry, cannot be transported.


Firing Point:



Access Point:

Front access ramp and a hatch on each side of the hull






Death Guard’s Rhino 35 pt



BS Front Side Rear

Rhino 4 11 11 10



Unit Type:

Vehicle (Tank)



Twin-linked Bolter

Smoke Launchers

Search Light






Extra Armor for +15 pts

Dozer Blade + 5 pts

Demonic Possession for + 20 pts

Dirge Caster + 5 pts

One of the following pintle mounted weapons:

- Twin-linked Bolter +5 pts

- Combi Weapon +10 pts

- Havoc Launcher + 15 pts



10 Models.


Models in Terminators Armour and summoned demon cannot be transported by a Rhino.


Firing Point:

1 point


Access Point:

Three side and rear hatches




Death Guard’s Dreadclaw 65 pt


BS Front Side Rear

Predator - 12 12 12




Unit Composition

1 Dreadclaw


Unit Type:






Difficult Ground:

A Dreadclaw become immobilized if it land in a difficult ground.


Deploying the Dreadclaw:

A Dreadclaw enter in game like other aircraft, arriving from reserve and being placed everywhere on the table.


Dreadclaw Assault:

Next Turn it move everywhere on the table, but at minimum of 36” and lands. Place the Dreadclaw where you want it to land and then roll a scatter dice. On a hit, it is on target, on an harrow it deviate of 6” in the indicated direction. If the Dreadclaw ended its movement on an enemy troop or impassable terrain, move it the minimum distance which allow it to land safetely.

Once on the ground the Dreadclaw open and those within assault may as it moving from an open topped vehicle.






10 Models


Access Point:

Three side and rear hatches



Please keep in mind that is HOME RULES codex, though just for fun and for home game with friends...


Be patient and merciful with my error... :cuss



Thank you for reading and I hope that you have enjoyed it

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First of all, man: Wow, you really put a great effort into that. I believe your "codex" will be a source of inspiration for many of us and I think it's also very well done. Thanks very much for sharing!

Having said that, I must apologise that I didn't read everything. I was thinking about to suggest to split it in a few more approachable parts such that the reader can pick stuff of special interest. But then I skimmed it again and I think you've done a decent job in organising the material; there's nothing one could say about that, as far as I can say from skimming at least. I should also say that I absolutely love the idea and was actually thinking to suggest something like that as kind of an community project, along with corresponding mini-codices for the other Cult legions and a couple more. (I thought it's a natural and constructive response to the ranting about presumably missing Cult terminators and the presumed nature of the new GW CSM codex as kind of a 5th edition follow-up. And I thought it's great fun.) Now you've achieved something like that just on your own. Awesome!


I might just comment on a couple things concerning what I read; again, which is not everything:

  • I absolutely love the idea to get a free champion upgrade for multiples of 7 men in a squad. Whereas I'm not sure if the champion upgrade is something that sells well to one's gaming group -- be they your friends or not, it's a free Ld10, A2, challenging guy --, the general idea to somehow grant a bonus for maintaining number discipline is brilliant. I love it!
  • I also love "Infantry Made the Dirty Job". However, I'm not sure about the restriction of heavy weapons. Corrupted or not, the DG is still a professional force that doesn't bring knives to a gun-fight just because Mortarion thinks infantry is cool. I mean, at the end of the day the job needs to be done, and if a heavy bolter or an autocannon does it, well, I'd figure they'd bring one; particularly because they're not massively mechanised and advance by foot, needing support fire to keep the enemys' heads down. I just think it doesn't go well with your idea of putting mechanised DG to Fast Attack from the 3rd squad (which I think is cool). But you're having good points. Perhaps you could, instead, make heavy weapons more expensive by, say, 5 points each?
  • Are your Possessed really having Feel No Pain and another 5+ Invulnerable Save? Wouldn't it be more handy to combine both to, say, an Invulnerable Save with equivalent chance to make it?
  • I'm not sure if your daemon deployment rules are different from the standard ones. In any case, while reading I thought that, given the particular affiliation of Nurgle to the physical realm, it would maybe cool to have Plague Bearers be deployed not by Deep Strike, but just like everything else? That way you'd have a bad-ass meat shield of Plague Bearers advancing with your troops -- which comes in handy if they're more difficult to mechanise anyway --, but you'd give up the Deep Strike capability as pay-off.

Just my 2 cents though ...


Cheers, JT

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Thanks for feed-back.


1° I tried to keep the "old school style" for the devastator, but if the most of the player really need the Heavy weapons, they could be fit in. I don't know why, but I see the H.Bolter as a weapon which Death Guard could bring with them. Maybe usable as the Death Watch do: like an assault weapon with less range if they move... In the end their massive bodies could easily support the weight and the strength of that weapon. Harder is for me to figured out the use of other H. Weapon like Las-cannon or auto-cannon.


2° I used the rules for the summoning demons present on the Chaos Codex, first because I made that work before the 6th edition release, and second because with this edition we can get Plague bearer as allies with the normal rule, so i decided to non change it. But it is not written in stone, and I like the idea of Plague Bearer who march side by side with Plague marine...

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I see... well I miss them, right, but they seem too me a choice really specific...


According with the articles, they're the bodyguards of Mortarion, so is really hard to imagine them who leave his duty to lead a warband, or fight in normal battle.


Anyway they're described as silently and exceptional warriors, armed with scythe and wearing a terminator armors. So I think that they could be represented with a small unit of "all champions Terminators" armed with scythe (aka Power Axes) this without adding a specif entry in the "codex" which would allow to create a warband, or a fragment of Death Guard's great company, and which tried to cover all its aspects in general term.


On the other hand is possible to fit them as a special choice, something like Captain Shrike's retinue, or better honor guard of Ultrasmurf... And occupy a HQ choice.

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On the other hand is possible to fit them as a special choice, something like Captain Shrike's retinue, or better honor guard of Ultrasmurf... And occupy a HQ choice.


Yup. I'd say any attempt to make a DG codex should try to sum up and represent everything we know about the Legion. And the Deathshroud is, indeed, something really Death Guardy.

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