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Death Company Terminators

IK Viper

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So I have always wanted to paint DC Terminators and really see this whole ally thing as a way of making this happen in a counts as compacity.


I was hoping the community could advise me on some good options I could use in my counts as DC Terminators.


Right now I am thinking about using a Lone Wolf in TA, Death Wing might be cool, Don't know much about Black Templar TA stuff


Things to consider: They dont have to be assault termies exclusively but I want them to be obvioulsy combat oriented. and I would really like them to have USR that set them apart from normal terminators


Ideally the 3 F's: fearless, furious charge, and feel no pain, or as many of these as I can get


My first thought is a Lone Wolf to acompany my normal DC

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Terminator armour is chapter property, unlike power armour which belongs to individual marines.


First company marines that fall to the red thirst dont get wear tda anymore.


Tda is much too rare to be sent on suicide missions

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Assuming your group allows you to take an EC in allied detachment (the ruling on ECs is still out there), you could have:


EC:AAC (Gives rage to all black templar units)

Elites: Sword brethren assault terminators with furious charge

Troop: Crusader squad (not quite as good as BA troop choices except for 5 men las/plas setup)


Righetous zeal makes them more mobile than your average terminators (although it's not fleet, it's an improvement), and they have fearless in cc, rage and furious charge. But, BA terminators with priest give you FC and FNP while actually being BA, and DA Belial+Command squad give you fearless and FNP while not requiring another allied troop squad.


I'd say BA terminators with priest are probably your best bet.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Terminator armour is chapter property, unlike power armour which belongs to individual marines.


First company marines that fall to the red thirst dont get wear tda anymore.


Tda is much too rare to be sent on suicide missions





I was just re-reading my Blood Angels codex last night and noticed that the Tactical Dreadnaught Armour is held so dear, that even a company captain who likes to be in the thick of things would not equip his honour guard with it since he would "take care not to risk any of the Chapter relics" since such a deployment (front lines) is "perilous in the extreme". So I really do not see Death Company ever being given terminator armour since it is so precious. But also, the Death Company WANT to die (or at least their brothers want them to die honourably in battle rather than at Astorath's hands in the apothecarium after the battle) -- so why would they wear armour that gives more protection?

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Grey Knight Terminators. Or even Paladins with Apothecary if you want that FnP.



Alternately, Belial plus Deathwing squad, Apothecary and Standard bearer= 400pts on the dot, no need for anything else since squad counts as troops (and is scoring, hey lookit that! Bad for fluff, good for you!)


Hammer&Shields-- makes them one of the hardest 6 models to kill in the game of 40k. Twice the cost of 'normal' 6 Assault Termys but with I5 Lightning Claws if you want 'em.


Just a thought.

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While it is nowhere possible to have Terminators in a DC squad, painted in DC colours, you also struggle to find the fitting special rules. WS5 would make sense, and then of course FC and FnP. You can simply get this if you attach a SP to the unit of Terminators but that means that you'd need to take them from C:BA in order to make this happen.


other codizes...probably Grey Knight Paladins, makes them more resilient...you'd still have to come up with an excuse for the psychic activitiy of your whole DC unit - better leave it. :cuss



Hey, the Blood Angels thought it would be a good idea to let a deranged living Warp conduit run around as part of the Death Company (read: Mephiston as Callistarius), so why not?


When Mephiston's legend was forged, the fluff that Librarians were killed after they fall to the black rage wasn't invented as far as I know. So there was no other possibility to let him join the DC since the Redeemer of the Lost wasn't invented either. However, Mephiston was never in Terminator armour when he joined the DC.



If you care for fluff, DC Terminators are not going to happen. :)






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Tda is much too rare to be sent on suicide missions


Space Hulk 1st edition. Mission 1: Suicide Mission.


TDA is rare, but at the end of the day its still just a tool, and which is more important to the Blood Angels, their tools or their honour? I can easily see TDA being issued to a suicide squad if the commander believes it will make the difference between success or failure of their mission. Especially given that the resilience of TDA means that a suicide mission for the wearer will rarely mean a suicide mission for the suit.

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Terminator armour is chapter property, unlike power armour which belongs to individual marines.


First company marines that fall to the red thirst dont get wear tda anymore.


Tda is much too rare to be sent on suicide missions


But Tycho's suit is off the peg? I know what your saying, but for every rule in 40K about a dozen sources break them. If people want DC Terminators go for it, fluff don't stop GW so why should it us! Just keep it codex legal for games (BA's or Allies) and I can't see why it wouldn't be an awesome addition to an army. Remember the rule of cool. :yes:

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Hey, the Blood Angels thought it would be a good idea to let a deranged living Warp conduit run around as part of the Death Company (read: Mephiston as Callistarius), so why not?


When Mephiston's legend was forged, the fluff that Librarians were killed after they fall to the black rage wasn't invented as far as I know. So there was no other possibility to let him join the DC since the Redeemer of the Lost wasn't invented either. However, Mephiston was never in Terminator armour when he joined the DC.



If you care for fluff, DC Terminators are not going to happen. :)



When Mephiston's legend was forged, he fell to the Red Thirst, not the Black Rage. Slightly unstable Librarian who likes drinking blood? Workable. Completely insane Librarian with little to no control of his pwoers? Bad idea. When it was changed to the Black Rage Astorath may well actually have been invented, as I believe it was only on the most recent Codex - and even without a Redeemer, it doesn't take a genius for someone to realise a psycho warp portal running around may not end well.


People care for fluff in different ways, is it anywhere stated that there are no Death Company Terminators? Callistarius did wear TDA pre-Death Company, and there's nothing that specifically states he was switched to PA as far as I know. So it may not be as clear-cut as you think.

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When Mephiston's legend was forged, he fell to the Red Thirst, not the Black Rage.

Nah. He fell to the Black Rage, which is the requirement to be included into the DC and after that, under a pile of rubble, he fell to the Red Thirst and defeated it.


Slightly unstable Librarian who likes drinking blood? Workable. Completely insane Librarian with little to no control of his pwoers? Bad idea. When it was changed to the Black Rage Astorath may well actually have been invented, as I believe it was only on the most recent Codex - and even without a Redeemer, it doesn't take a genius for someone to realise a psycho warp portal running around may not end well.


Well, I'll give you that one. But then, before Mephiston, no other Librarian was mentioned of falling to the Black Rage, and the consequences of that happening weren't clear either since HE survived. I'm pretty sure that Mephiston, under the most recent developments, would have been killed as well.


People care for fluff in different ways, is it anywhere stated that there are no Death Company Terminators? Callistarius did wear TDA pre-Death Company, and there's nothing that specifically states he was switched to PA as far as I know. So it may not be as clear-cut as you think.


Were does it state that there are Death Company Terminators? Everything that we have at hand, gathered from several sources over the years, leans against the idea of them. A Marine is honoured with his own PA suit, but the TDA is, indeed, chapter property. The DC are, as dishonourable as it sounds, a throw-away unit. They are expected to die on the battlefield, get lost behind the enemy lines or cleaved in half by whatever comes their way, or slaughter everything that comes their way and die trying. Death is absolute. Damage to the PA is as well, you can hardly wound a marine without damaging his armour. with a PA, fine, can be replaced/ easily repaired / split up to fit other marines.


But TDA? The most heavy suit of infantry protection available in the Imperium, a shard of the Emperor's very own armour suit build in, the most destructive weapon a marine can be equipped with...what makes anyone think that it would be a good idea to send a squad of lunatics into the most forlorn situations on the battlefield? Where the TDA might get lost? Taken by the enemy? 10.000 years of history lost in a battle that will never be replaced? Nah, can't see that.

The TDA will be heavily damaged, might not be working anymore and is a severe loss to the chapter. A loss that could have been avoided by giving the DC 'simple' Powerarmour.


Mephiston did, in fact, wear TDA as a Librarian. In the codex however, it says that his armour was just dangling down on him, torn to pieces, which makes me think that he was equipped with PA rather than TDA.

It doesn't specifically state that he didn't wear TDA, but when you weigh in the cons of losing a suit, I'd imagine that he was given PA for his supposed last battle.



Terminators that are in the grip of the Red Thirst in battle, sure, that's pretty easy going. Black and red DC Terminators that are on their last way into oblivion I can't see from what we have at hand. It makes little sense going from a logical perspective.





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Apples to Oranges, but SW Lone Wolves are on permanent suicide missions and they can and do wear TDA.


Which is not entirely the same reason for why they are on a suicide mission, but I'll give you that point. The wolves are, however, clinically insane. :lol:



Also DC are sent out in battle to die with honour.

Indeed, that's what it says. For the use of terminator armour, it's a throw-away suicide mission...that's why I can't see DC in TDA. They are far too precious for the chapter.





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So I have always wanted to paint DC Terminators and really see this whole ally thing as a way of making this happen in a counts as compacity.


I was hoping the community could advise me on some good options I could use in my counts as DC Terminators.


Right now I am thinking about using a Lone Wolf in TA, Death Wing might be cool, Don't know much about Black Templar TA stuff


Things to consider: They dont have to be assault termies exclusively but I want them to be obvioulsy combat oriented. and I would really like them to have USR that set them apart from normal terminators


Ideally the 3 F's: fearless, furious charge, and feel no pain, or as many of these as I can get


My first thought is a Lone Wolf to acompany my normal DC


While I agree that fluff wise it wouldn't happen when it comes right down to it they're your models so paint them as you will. If you have access to Imperial Armour 10 Badab War Pt II Tyberos the Red Wake is your way to get as close as possible rules wise. If you take Tyberos as a allied HQ he can take one unit of Lightning Claw Equipped Terminators as a Troop choice. His Chapter tactics replaces Combat Tactics with Furious Charge and after he or any unit subject to his chapter tactics wins a Close Combat against an enemy infantry unit they gain Rage. And If he himself is involved in a Close Combat where his unit wins he gains Preferred Enemy, which due to 6th Edition I believe is conferred to a unit as long as one model has it.



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I did not intend on this turning into a fluff thread... I am not huge on the fluff. thank you for the suggestions, I think I may look into a Black and Red lone wolf for now, but the Imp. Ar. book idea seams really interesting to me. Thanks guys for your help.
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Personally i like the concept of a member of the DC being equipped with TDA. But Like Snorri im big on my fluff and fluffy lists. For me if i was going to do one it would have to be a lone wolf ally. My thinking being that if someone fell to the black rage while still sealed in the TDA he would be far to powerful to be able to subdue normally and extricate from the armour with ease, much like the DC Dreads and the fact they have to be kept in stasis. If i were to do DC in TDA it would have to be a single guy on his tod.

Because you know for certain no one would want to get in his way.

Another reason i feel the lone wolf works so well is because when you think about it its going to be very very rare for someone to fall to the blackrage while still in their tda, meaning there would only be one or two at any given time, and the sense of power from the armour may well tip them even more over the edge, added reason for why he only fights alone. Lastly you could even make the points penilisation fluffy, the chapter wants him to die with honour on the battlefield, but they also want him to die in the hope they can retrieve the armour once he finally falls. Him surviving would be counter productive to what they want.


So Fluff wise i do think its possible to have DC in TDA, but it would be insanely rare and uncommon.


This is why i would go for the Lonewolf.

But like i said, i like Fluff!




Other than that im inclined to agree with others, paladins or BA Termies with a SP and Asteroth some where for the increased chance of thirst.

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Well, it makes no sense fluff-wise (especially not TH/SS guys) but neither does Death Company Dreadnoughts if you think about it...


At the end of the day it's your models, so it's completely up to you. I think your best bet rules-wise is BA terminators with a Priest, though. I don't really see any allied terminators being any more ferocious and hard to kill than FC and FNP.

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