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way to represent chosen question

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Hey guys, so im doing a little modeling and some painting here and there. As I was working on a little bit of my word bearer contingent of the warband, I came to a bit of a snag? How do I make my chosen stand out? So I was looking around and I modeled them differently. Made them more bad ass and whatnot but I wanted a way to paint them to make them stand out.


Original plan is to paint their helmets black, to honor the Gal Vorbak, and while I like this idea, this didn't work work say chosen without helmets. My question is what else should I do? Should I paint their gauntlets black, shoulder trim, what?

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I like chosen made with Fantasy Chaos Warrior Bodies.




For word bearers you might prefer chosen made with Dark Angels Robed Bodies.


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This may seem an odd question, but how do you see your Chosen?


The veteran warriors of your warband? The sneaky gits? Your warband leader's retinue? The future Dark Apostles?


And that's the direction you should take your painting, I would think.

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I used BT parts for mine, though I later changed the head of the meltagunner with forward pointing horns, so he has upward pointing horns. He didn't really fit with the rest of the squad.






Sorry for the bad and yellowish pics, they were taken a few years ago, but you get the idea.

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I hate scripty word bearers, to be honest. I am using script in my army but, im keeping it to a minimum.


I don't see Word Bearers with much else besides Braziers, Runes, and robes. You can make it cleaner or more mutated, but it still comes down to the Word Bearers largely being Religiously oriented with Demon Worship. Other than that, what else isn't standard besides mutation, spikes and chains?

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I used some of the old second/third edition Metal Chaos Marines, and just outfitted them with new arms and weapons. If you want to go for an easier route, you could always use the shoulder pads with the modeled iconography of your legion, and regular marines have it painted on.
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Any time I want a model to stand out, I usually give them tabards, chains with trophies, or a stand-out back-pack (like some of the ones from the possessed sprues). Mutations usually draw attention as well. Special colors, like gold or brass trim, might work to set them apart as well.
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