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Trying to identify some oop marines...


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As you can see in the picture, these are some really old models. They're plastic and I don't recall seeing that kind of backpack, bolter, or even chainsword on the sergeant. Maaaaybe the bolter, in MK4 and MK5 armors?


I hope someone knows more about these guys - what year, what model, from what edition or maybe 40k spinoff game.





Some of them are the 'snap fit' guys from the second edition box set that also came in the paint starter set. and some are the multi part plastics from late second edition, you could get six marines in a box for £5!! I still have some of these, really badly painted up as space wolves. :(

They are mid 90's. I've seen a pic of the sprue of the snap fit ones and it has 1993 on it.

The one who's standing more upright is a plastic version of a metal marine. The main difference being that the metal version was one piece - head/torso/legs, while the plastic one was two pieces - head/torso and legs. This was the same as the first version of the current bike marine which used the same head/torso but had different legs so that it could fit on the bike.

Interestingly, those bolters you claim never to have seen are still being used on the current bikes as those bikes first appeared in 2nd ed. The newer scout bikes have bolters more like the current bolter though.

It's like the old MK1 rhinos. The bolters that sat on the top of those used the same mould as the bolters used by the first plastic RT (beakie) marines, the only difference being the rhino bolters not having an ammo mag underneath.

Are you sure they're all completely plastic? Because the guy second from left looks like it's one of the old metal bodies with plastic arms, bolter, shoulder pads and backpack. The ones with their feet on the edges of their bases are likely to be all-plastic, though.
Are you sure they're all completely plastic? Because the guy second from left looks like it's one of the old metal bodies with plastic arms, bolter, shoulder pads and backpack. The ones with their feet on the edges of their bases are likely to be all-plastic, though.


Gurth is correct. The marines with the wide stance, including the sergeant, are from the 2nd ed. boxed set and plastic. The other guy, walking with his legs closer together is metal bodied. He was part of the Space Marine Strike Force boxed set, which was from back in the original 1st ed. Rogue Trader days. That boxed set pretty much introduced the current MK VII space marine armor. There were a few modifications made later on (primarily to the chest eagle), but that was pretty much when the beakie marine was retired.


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