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Night Lords +Ave Dominus Nox++

space wolf

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A new edition, means a new army. And with all the truescaling going on, I couldn't just sit back and do nothing. I plan on treating every model, like a character. So these models will be heavily converted (at the very least a lot of GS work) I'm looking to take my GS work to the next level, and I think this is the project to do it. I'm not doing these guys pre-heresy like I see a lot of truescaling project. However, I like the idea of traitor marines scavenging anything they can. So I'm going to attempt to give each model, sort of a "ramshackle" look, by mixing aspects of various Armor Marks, as well as painting on/modeling battle damage.


Here is the start...





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yes I will be. Along with all sorts of other stuff.


So along with that, I'm trying to decide what bases I should mount these guys on.


This is what I've come up with, but I think the first two choices are a little "much" while the last is "not enough..." Any suggestions?






Urban Rubble

My first pair of legs is completely done. Baring some incidental details, this should be it. The batwings are a little rough, but I'm pretty happy with it for a first try. Once I do more of these, I'm sure the quality will get better. What do you guys think? Any suggestions? Any ideas for creating more unique looks?http://i830.photobucket.com/albums/zz223/irchris5000_album/Legs1.jpg





Yes, I am using clay shapers. This is the first set of legs I did, so its probably a little rougher than the rest of the pairs. As there is somewhat of a learning curve...at least I thought so...


Yes, I am using clay shapers. This is the first set of legs I did, so its probably a little rougher than the rest of the pairs. As there is somewhat of a learning curve...at least I thought so...

I'll be following for sure!! What I've learned when GSing legs, or in general, once you've got the basic shape, leave the GS for a good 45-60mins to allow the GS to cure a little, then come back to smooth it out. You can put a little more pressure on it and its less likely to slide of the model.




Thanks for the comments guys. Just a quick update...I'm almost done with the first guy. Here is some progress WIP... My bat wing technique, is already improving...this one already looks better than the first one...







So my first marine is pretty much done, just waiting for GS to dry on the remaining shoulder pad. What do you guys think? This is more GS work than I have ever put into a model. So I think its a pretty good first attempt. The learning curve isn't too bad, and I'm already seeing improvement as I go along. As I've taken these photos, its clear there are some areas, that still need to be smoothed out. Rest assured that will happen before this guy is painted. My next marine should be up shortly...







Here's my second marine. I'm not that happy with the pose, as its not that dynamic. But I figure in a group, the un-dynamic ones are good, because they just draw more attention to the really cool looking models. So I'm not too worried about having a few of these guys around.







This shoulder pad is supposed to be covered in flayed skin. Hopefully it looks like that...Time will tell...so will some paint...

Here's my 3rd Marine. I'm not a big fan of the chain fed bolters for a number of reasons. One of which is that it would take too long to reload. Well this guy solved the problem...This guys is just waiting on battle damage and the final shoulderpad. I've decided to kind of follow Codex Astartes in terms of what goes where on the shoulderpads. So obviously the left one will have the chapter symbol. Comments always welcome.








Slowly but surely my Greenstuff skill is improving. I'm finally figuring out how to get close to a consistant smoothness. (Has a lot to do with how much it has cured)

Fair do's that is a whole lotta green stuff! You can already see your skills getting better and you have some good posing down. I am not to sure about the loyalist back pack as it seems a little small with the termie scale, maybe 'bulk it up' a little? But apart from that keep up the good work! :woot:
I appreciate the comment Midnight. I chose the smaller backpack, because I like the armor looking big. If I make the backpack look more proportional, the armor doesn't look as bulky as I think it should. Updates will be coming soon...for those interested :lol:

Ok, so a pretty big update. 3 more marines done. The heavy weapons specialist, the sergeant, and an extra marine.


First is the Heavy Bolter Marine with extra Optics.








Next up the standard marine. I'm going to order a few muzzle flashes, and this guy is getting one.








Last up is the sergeant. I wanted him in kind of a "leading a patrol" pose. Hence the walking legs, with the hand signals. Hopefully I've captured that. There is really no way to tell until I put him on a base. What do you guys think about the skull on his shoulderpad? I think it provides too much motion, but I don't know what to do with it. You think I can get away with it being as is?








Note: Currently all of these marines are waiting for their Legion shoulder pad. I was having a hard time sculpting something that I was happy with, and replicating it quickly. So I've decided to buy these.....

Very nice brother. Really love the sergeant especially. I think that skull is great just the way it is. And WOW thank you for the link with those shoulderpads, if you use them can you let us know how they fit? If they fit terminator sized or power armored? There are also these, might be worth it to check them out too.



So my first marine is pretty much done, just waiting for GS to dry on the remaining shoulder pad. What do you guys think? This is more GS work than I have ever put into a model. So I think its a pretty good first attempt. The learning curve isn't too bad, and I'm already seeing improvement as I go along. As I've taken these photos, its clear there are some areas, that still need to be smoothed out. Rest assured that will happen before this guy is painted. My next marine should be up shortly...







I'm digging the pose on that guy, and I love the hornless helmet.

Many thanks for the fine compliments. That's what I'm going for. These guys have been fighting what is essentially a losing war. So I wanted to show that in their design. Up next I have two more models. I think they are still waiting on battle damage. But here they are. This first one, I will use as an Icon bearer, should the new codex warrant it.








This guy is in a "come and get it!" pose.








What do you guys think?

Here is the last two in the squad. With the leaked pics of what the new chaos marines look like, I hope my modeling skills can compete. I do very much like they're new baroque look. (Reminds me of all the heresy artwork) So I'm going to try to instill some of that into my models in the future. (can't go completely in that direction though, as, they do cannibalize armor from the much newer armors of the loyalists...) Anyway here they are...


Panda: Thanks very much! I'm looking forward to painting them myself. I'm waiting on some new paints. I'm going to try out the new warpaints from Army Painter...


Cirrus: Fear not (or do, cuz they're Night Lords :whistling: ) A scale shot is in the works. I'm surprised how huge these guys are compared to a guardsman...














Kinda want this guy to be running with his arms crossed unloading on either side...


And here is a group shot of all of them (-1, I'm modifying one of the currently)







Ok, so here is the new head I made. I liked the horned helm, but I figured my squad needed at least one guy with a bathelm. That being said, I thought this was a good way to make one that looked unique.








Here is a scale shot of one of my poor poor, guardsman running from danger. (btw, he IS screaming, KOBRA RETREAT!)




and side by side...



I am loving these guys space wolf, really characterful, all of them. It must have been the angle on the earlier dude, because the loyalist back packs look fine on these ;) :unsure:


And I am sorry, but......


......consider this guy copied.


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