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Night Lords +Ave Dominus Nox++

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So I've started a new project, one even more ambitious. I'm going to be making a Terminator Lord for my army. I don't know what kind of wargear I will want, but if I pull it off, he will probably be a stand in for Abbadon, so it shouldn't really be an issue.


As you know, turning Terminator legs into marine legs isn't that hard. But turning Terminator legs into even bigger Terminator legs, that's a different challenge all together. As you can see in part of it. I've cut the legs up in strategic places and glued in plasticard spacers. This knocks the proportions way out of wack, but I'm not concerned. As you can see from the top of the legs, I plan on bulking out the armor much more than what is currently there. This guy is going to be MASSIVE! And hopefully awesome looking. I think my GS skills are up to the challenge. And this new procreate (grey stuff) I'm using, is a lot easier to work with. Any suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated.









Hey dude, I tried my hand at TS Termis awhile back, I used a similar method. It's a little more plasticard heavy, but preserves the proportions, heres one pre-GS


On my phone, can't do a proper image atm, I'll fix it later.



Heya Shaggy ...


These are looking good. I agree on the procreate, it is definitely a more forgiving medium, though looking at your GS work, I am guessing your GS was a wee bit old. Long in the tooth, if you will ...


The proportions on the legs actually look good to me, just need to clean em up some.



Grotsmasha: I don't know how you managed that! That is just far to much cutting for me. I'm pretty certain if I did it that way, I would throw the thing against the wall before I was done. :P


StrayCatt: "long in the tooth," AH HAAAAAAH, I see what ya did there.....And as for the legs, as you can see, the messy parts have pretty much been covered up anyway.


Well I must say, this guy is coming along better than I had expected. Here is what I have so far. I'm going for a very sleek, yet baroque look for him. As the leader of my warband and captain of a (yet decided) company. I wanted his armor to look like it had been modified only slightly. This guy is supposed to be a stand in for Abbadon, so he better look impressive :devil: Comments would be much appreciated.






It doesn't show up well in these crummy pictures, but that's a set of batwings. When he's finished, I'll take proper pictures so you can see it better.





I haven't decided what kind of details to put on the breastplate. Any suggestions would be helpful.



Here is his powerclaw. I like the look of the HH artwork that has the claws look like talons. And being a NL character, that fits anyway. I'll get a better shot of it up, when its done.


Ok Gents. Here is is. i still have to do some details on the back, and do the final shoulderpads. But for the most part, I'd say hes about 85% done. I think I'm going to give him a cloak of flayed skin...or something like that. Well, what do you guys think of the overall concept?



I'm BATMAN! Well that's what I wanted you to think with this helm ;)





I don't know if you can read it with the crappy lighting, but the powerclaw says "VIII"






At this point, I'm kind of at a loss on what to do with the sword. It doesn't look "chaosy" enough. But I don't want to make it look like a demon weapon.

Sorry for the crappy pics, I'll post up better ones later.


So I've finished his left shoulderpad. I like the look of the bent metal...it looks like armor that's been smithed to look like batwings.



As a replacement for abbadon, he needed some kind of gun, so I came up with this belt fed combiplasma. I still have a little work to do on the feederbelt



I want you!



I've got a little work left to do on the sword hilt. I'm going to be adding horns as a crossbar, as well as horns and wings to the skull shoulderpad.



As always questions, comments, or concerned are always welcome. I'd like to hear what you guys think of this guy, thus far. I've only got a few little details to add/clean up, and this guy is ready for paint. I'll add in a scale shot soon as well...he's pretty huge!

Ok, so a lot of work, and Procreate, but finally he is done! I GIVE YOU...KADOR VAKARION Chaos Lord of The VIIIth!




























Here are some scale shots...he's pretty big!







Well, what do you guys think? If you see anything that needs fixing, let me know...as I don't plan on doing any more work before painting. So if you see something let me know so I can fix it.

You're a brave man, let me tell you. A true scale army, with THAT amount of sculpting.. No way I'd try that!


And you're making a terminator.... You're as insane as your Primarch (and may be as clear sighted)


That Fluffy Lord looks great. Real nice. That Helmet of his has a weird look that I find just right for a NL.

The only thing that I find "not as great" as the rest are the lower legs: IMHO one lacks some details the other one has too large borders ( and a couple of rivets would be a nice touch too since the rest is quite detailed)


The sword is great too ( as I said I'just can't do the half of it) but I would have thought of a more complex blade kinda like WHFB Be'Lakor's or the old metal WH40k metal Daemon Prince you see what I mean? The kind of blade so tortured that you would be horrified just looking at it and split and shredded in a gory nonrecognizable jelly should you lord sticks it into your body.


Just thoughts here, Your stuff remains splendid.


Now as A certain lupus told me on my own thread : I wanna see this lord painted! :huh:





Kaleb Daark

Thank you for the CC! And you're not the only one it bothers...I'm thinking I may need to file down that border some. I've also thought about rivets, the only problem is I don't know if I can pull off a consistent rivet size with GS. I don't have any small Plasticard rod, so I'm kinda stuck at the moment. As for them lacking detail, that was on purpose. I needed to have some large flat surfaces to paint lightning bolts on :huh: Again thanks again for the comment, and I'll get paint on these guys as soon as it arrives in the mail, I promise.

This guy is impressive for the sheer amount of detail you've sculpted on there! This model is clearly thought through carefully and designed beautifully, to create a cohesive whole, even to the level of tiny details, which I always have trouble with.


He also looks wicked cool too, of course, but I'm a little confused by what seems to be varying degrees of sculpting skills on him. There are parts, like his pauldrons, sword detail and the winged elbow pad, which are really nicely done, and then other parts, like most of the bat wings, his chest-skull-detail, and his legs in general which, I'm sorry if it's harsh, but just aren't as well done.


What happened?

This guy is impressive for the sheer amount of detail you've sculpted on there! This model is clearly thought through carefully and designed beautifully, to create a cohesive whole, even to the level of tiny details, which I always have trouble with.


He also looks wicked cool too, of course, but I'm a little confused by what seems to be varying degrees of sculpting skills on him. There are parts, like his pauldrons, sword detail and the winged elbow pad, which are really nicely done, and then other parts, like most of the bat wings, his chest-skull-detail, and his legs in general which, I'm sorry if it's harsh, but just aren't as well done.


What happened?


good eye...those parts you mentioned which you liked most...happened to be the details that I finished last. I learned quite a bit by working on this guy. So needless to say some details turned out better than others as I learned what worked and what didn't in shaping certain things. The difference in "quality" doesn't really bother me though. I think it adds to the whole "ramshackle" feel of the army which I'm going for. As over the centuries, he may have had to resort to a "lesser" craftsman to restore his armor, than to the skilled armor smiths of the pre-heresy era. Thanks for the honest criticism...it may, just motivate me to fix him up a little bit... :blink:

as i fellow night lord i like your guy :D


but i have to agree with goosey. some of the details look rough and unfinished to me.

i also spotted some parts with some excess material, mostly where plastic meets putty (e.g. the horns on his helmet and n his power fist/claw)


nonetheless nice work and i'm looking forward to more (even if i'm not a truescale fan ;) )

Well, when more than one person tells me something, it must be true...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! PEER PRESSURE!!!!! :tu: never fear gents, I've gone back and fixed up some skulls and things. The changes are so small however, I didn't think it was worth taking a picture of...unless requested.... Anyway.......More marines! These two are still very WIP. But I figured I had the parts to make about 15 Marines, so might as well use them. Here is a plasma gunner. Sorry about the blurry pic, but you get the idea.








And just a standard marine...I'm starting to really like this guy though...






  • 1 month later...

Well here it is gents. Kador Vakarion painted. Its still a little bit WIP, as I still have to do the base, the battle damage, and some details on his back. Forgive the lighting (its night time). But that being said what do you guys think. Anything I could improve on. I'm happy with the dirty gold look, but was unable to highlight it further, as I don't have anything other than burnished gold, and I'm not in a position to easily go buy more paints. If you look closely, you can see that I experimented with some OSL, on the combi-plasma. I think it turned out ok, but if you have any tips to make it better, by all means. I tried to do the same thing with the eyes, but I've come the the conclusion that I'm either not a good enough painter, or I don't have a small enough brush(I'm thinking thats why my lightningbolts aren't as good as they usually are: my brushes are old)...Anyway for your viewing pleasure:













i think he's not looking dark enough. all the gold and bone coloured parts of his armour are too bright and distract from the dark brooding "midnight clad" theme that makes out the night lords in my opinion.

also seconded on the lightning bolts being a little too thick.

i think he's not looking dark enough. all the gold and bone coloured parts of his armour are too bright and distract from the dark brooding "midnight clad" theme that makes out the night lords in my opinion.


Interesting point. Do you have any suggestions that might fix the situation?

i'm not sure, i think it's hard to change now, as there are so many decorations on his armour and few open areas for lightning bolts etc.

maybe try to tone down the bone and metal parts with a wash or something to darken it (not a painter myself, so i'm not sure if it would work).


the rest of the WIP guys look promising, looking forward to more!


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