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Which warband......?

Lord Kallozar

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Looks like there's more information available about the Knights of Blood. Obviously Khornate (to me, at least), so that could be a factor in your decision. If you want more leeway to write your own story go with the Company of Misery, since there is really nothing established except for the name and paint job.
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look the same . what is suppose to be the factor your looking for ?

Yeah they are the same in colour and the colour design of both those warbands arent too disimilar.

Well the Company are Undivided and the Knights are Khorne worshipping. I dont exactly have a key factor in mind apart from they both have a simple yet effective colour scheme and they are not popular warbands, so it makes them unique.

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Cheers the quick responses guys.

A bit more info for you guys to work on:-

I would like to make a close combat orientated force, so the Knights of Blood are appealing. However, I really like the colour scheme of the Company of Misery and i could still have them based as a close combat force too.


I would like to make the forces "fluffy" and Im not too fussed about competativeness at the moment (I know, theres hardly ANY fluff at all on these two warbands, but let me explain....) so for the Knights I would have a mix of CSM's with IoK and Zerkers. I could go full Zerker squads, yes, BUT as the Knights of Blood arent a World Eaters force and just a Chaos warband aligned to Khorne I wanna use normal CSM's too.


As for the Company, I'm a little more stuck as to which theme to give them. Probably a mix of CSM's with IoCG and Possessed and Daemons.

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each one could be made hth .

What would you suggest to make the Company of Misery a close combat force (using no marked models apart from IoCG)?

you mean like gamewise ? well the codex we have right now kind of doesnt have options , so if the army was suppose to be hth it would end up identical in both cases. In general your spaming DPs[best HQ] oblits[only hvy support we have] and a mix of plasma csm [10csm . 2xplasma 1combi plasma champ with a powerweapon or naked] . zerkers are meh because of the transport nerf , pms arent realy hth units . everything else isnt good and/or isnt hth .


Technicly you could buld something like this


2x5 terminators with combi plasma 2 champions

2x10csm with plasma in rhinos

3x2 oblits


simple and probably non viable as soon as we get a new dex. If we get one of course.

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It isn't clearly stated (as others have said there is very little information available on either of these warbands). That being said, do whatever you think would be coolest; warband composition is rarely so clear-cut. There might be World Eater veterans, or the Knights might be more recent renegades newly converted to Khorne, unaugmented but zealous.


Or they could be a mix. Go crazy . . . from a fluff perspective. From a gaming perspective C:CSM is rather pants, with either 'zerkers or CSMs with a Khorne icon being subpar.

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Knights of Blood. :(

Marks of Khorne, DP, Khorne Lord. Support with CC Dread.


Add some oblits and/or preds for firesupport. ;)


If you include a Termie bodyguard for your Lord, add in a landraider.


Fun and fluffy i'd say.


EDIT: add in some Khornate Daemon allies... and a Defiler! :P

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Knights of Blood

MoK on everyone, but more importantly JuggerLord w/ Bloodfeeder, hilarity ensues either way. Allied Khorne daemons as well.

If you wanna run others gods's units you can have auxiliaries from anyone but Tzeneetch. Just make it clear in your fluff that that is all that they are.

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