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Battle Report: First Game of 6th edition

Lord Morgrim

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I haven't played for about 3 years and so I decided to get back into 40K with the new edition.

I played my first game today with my Chaos SM vs my mates Space marines.


I had Chaos Lord in TDA with Daemon weapon, 6 Terminators with a mix of weapons, two CSM squads of 12 with champs and melta and plasma gun, 9 Raptors with two meltas and lightning claw champ

Mate had Captain with jump back and relic blade etc. 5 Termies. 3 tactical squads of 10 and 5 sniper scouts plus a land speeder


Its was a victory to Lord Morgrim Foebane!!

One of my squads sat on an objective and managed to see off his termies with some lucky Tzeentch INv saves....my Lord and his terminators destroyed the landspeeder and then went to support the other csm squad who were fighting off Von Keith and a tac squad...the raptors killed a lot through shooting and managed to wipe out a tac squad but where then cut down by firing....in the challenge Morgrim managed to kill Von Keith after a few rounds (with only one wound left!) and that was it...even though we both held one objective and one was contested i got points for first kill and killing his warlord....

Great game and loads of fun....really enjoy being back into 40K....here is the one photo from the as its my only painted figure so far!

Morgrim kills Von Keith!


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