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Iron warriors army.


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Whats fluffy and strong to include in such an army, i was wondering that.


I myself was thinking along the lines of.


CSM lord as the Warsmith

Daemonprince (nothing says "hi" more than knocking hard at someones door)


Chosen with heavy weapons (heavy slots are taken up, so this is the replacement)

Dreadnought (see Daemonprince, knock knock)

Csm with a heavy weapon


Vindicator and or Defiler


Maybe Spawns as mechanical construct, Slow and purposefull is kind of pointless on them anyway with the current edition.


Fortifications with Skyfire weapons, that plane wont stop this siege.



Primaris "rogue" psyker

Melta vets (you need the cannon fodder to get the fluffy IW acceptable stuff)

Basilisk (no explanation needed)



Please note that i am not asking for a detailed list. It should be fluffy.

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TL autocannon and launcher on the dread. Nothing says "hi" like knocking on the door, then chewing half of the house to pieces when the handle moves.


Would also play the artillery park for all it's worth. From what i remember fluff wise you should be able to just sit back and deal the pain whilst your astartes caterpillar their way forwards.


Finally, I would go light on the TDA, in my head at least the Iron Warriors are lots of PA with the terminators just as a linebreaker element, probably either teleport or 'draider. I hear that we may be getting a new old raider specced for this in the new codex.


I am, however, AL and most of my thoughts on Iron Warriors run to the tune of steampunk trench warfare with a couple of daemonic bits added in. If this is wrong, feel free to hammer me for it. ^_^

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well i kinda like specifics so what about a 3k lets say.


lord TDA DW combimelta no mark (575 i think, im not 100% on the price of a DW in TDA)

4 terminators 1 fist 2 axe 1 chain 1 reaper 3 combi-plas

land raider possession


2 Nurgle Princes Wings (nurgle representing the cool metally parts i imagine an IW prince to be sporting) 300


rogue psycher (no idea how much he is but there is 105 points free to make up for him and me not knowing the price of the blob squad)


blob infantry platoon (these are your cultists/expendable guys you mentioned veterans are far less expendable haha)

PCS 4 melta PW on leader 520ish (i think PCS are 40 IIRC, and i cant remember what a PW commissar is i called it 50 but i dont remember)

5 squads of doods PW on each seargant melta

commissar PW


5 PM (count as iron warrior troops to make them stand apart from the guardsmen fodder even more) 2 melta in a rhino 170


5 PM 2 melta in a rhino 170


5 PM 2 melta in a rhino 170


2 basilisks 250


2 vindicator with possession 290


2 squads of three oblits 450


if you dont like the princes you can trade them for two more squads of the double melta nurgle and cut out some fodder. i just like the feel of this list. in a tournament or something i dont think id take the TDA lord, but you could have such a cool looking squad with that load out. theres three squads of super strong troops, a huge squad of troops that is stubborn and some good ol termis. i refrained giving them a mark cause it didnt much fit iron warriors. this is similar to a list i want to try out as a fun list, and also to make a more cinematic army than i currently have. my army is tabletop, they all have rocks on their bases to make them look cooler etc. but id like a core of it to really stand out. where instead of three layers on the red, id put like 7 etc. anyway i got a lil off topic, but this seems to me to be the core of a good IW army. lots of templates, some rock olid troops, some fodder enough tanks to not make too easy for your opponent to kill them all, aaaaaaand demons! i have yet to try something like this cause my guard are not even started on painintg. i ususally add some khorne demons and they work out nicely.

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I usually play tournament sized games, and those are 1750 points around here. So i dont think having 2 Princes is an option for me.


That Primaris Psyker (rogue was "" for a reason) costs less than 100 points, i doubt iam allowed to post the exact points.

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well darn i could have saved so much time if you had said the one force org dealie haha. maybe do like 2 basilisks one squad of three oblits a meat shield guard list, rogue psyker TDA bad-ass with some friends and then those mmini nurgle squads. still fairly fluffy but i have no idea how many points it is cause i didnt add it up :)
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in my (fledgling) IW heavy army, i am aiming for mostly PA infantry. chosen have plasma gun and heavy bolter and all others have either power fists or a TL bolter. basic squad has a plasma gun and missile launcher, the rest of the army are from a renegade chapter.

my next aim is for a LR as these to me are ideal command centre/linebreakers for IW commanders, with a healthy sprinkling of termies (not sure on heavy weapon though - autocannon for the look and range, or heavy flamer for the close quarter awesomeness while in buildings etc).

other than that, i'd say oblits, plague marine counts-as (representing cybernetics), berzerker counts-as (experienced linebreakers) and bikers as i'd imagine their usefulness in being to harass the enemy's flanks.

allies, well i use a fair amount of vets and rogue psycher, although i also have a command squad with the iron hand straken upgrade (popular i know but easy to explain fluffwise). thats about it really. they're often abused for their skills and then provide a counter attack/meatshield if the enemy get too close.

of all of them, i definitely feel the IW have the best deal when it comes to menacing images as they stride forward after blowing all to sundry around them, using whatever unfortunates in front of them as umbrellas.

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I am attempting to go with a strongly themed list with my current IW project myself.


My latest version of the list as I am building it is roughly


HQ: Termie Lord


2x Squads with Rhino Transports, I take Dozerblades here as I think it appropriate to the army


a 3rd squad (five men) mans my defense line and quad gun


Termie squad in a LR






Thats at 1500 points.


I haven't worked up to 1750 or 1850 yet, and of course with a new codex coming sooner than later, this will probably change a few dozen times, but I find it is better if I have a rough idea of what the army will look like when finished.


Originally I had a smallish Havoc squad, but I let my son talk me into taking a Vindicator. He is right of course, gotta have one...

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