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My Iron Warrior

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*NOTE* the description line is supposed to say 30k points not 30,000k points i just cannot figure out how to fix it


OK so i pretty much started painting my army for the ETL challenge and it sparked a painting bug in me I've never before experienced with any of my armies. Some of my characters (mainly the nurgle ones) i am not too satisfied with but i finished them for the sake of the competition. I intend to go back and change them all completely once i come up with a better scheme. i want it to still be iron warriors but decidedly nurgle. I'm thinking of replacing the silver of the iron warriors with a copper color. but im not sure of how to achieve that. and then i would have to change the gold trim to something else that pops more from the copper. maybe black? I'd keep the red shoulder pads ad the hazard stripes though. Well there we go as i typed this out i came up with the scheme. now if someone has a good dirty copper painting system id be interested. i will post up the pictures from the ETL as well as the one or two other pictures i have from previous painting. I will take a picture of the rest of my painted stuff when i get home, and d a shot of it all together on the table too. hopefully i get some followers, get some good advice and stay motivated. but without further rambling here are the pictures


My First Entry 2 land raiders three dreadnaughts lucius Chaos lord and a rhino that survived the odds against two long fang squads for an entire game.

here are the unpainted ones


the tanks


the dreads


the characters. im not super happy with lucius but the lord is ok, still not a centerpiece item though.


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My next vow was Abaddon's deathstar unit with an assault ram as their chariot and a squad of chosen


here is the before picture of Abaddons squad


the before picture of his chariot



here is the finished picture of them. abaddons death star unit is three lords a sorc typhus (who i need to fix) karn and three chosen termis.


and my next vow was a huge assortment of troops to go inside the transports i previosuly finished, and then some. . ive got some bezerkers 2 squads of chosen 2 squads of raptors a squad of havocs a couple characters.


before pictures are broken into parts but i have a single picture for the completed as well as individual but ill post the single one.







here is the final picture of all of them complete


Here is my next one 7 demon princes a prince of mammon and a blood thirster


the rather disheveled before picture



and the completed one arranged around the thirster


next up is a selection of characters and a few bikers and terminators. ahriman and another typhus who i like better than the first but still not enough to want to keep him the same.


the before picture



the after pictures




next up is a land raider a predator and a warsmith. this land raider is designed to be my command raider as i call it. it has the big ol flag on there as the legion banner. hopefully that will mean something in 6th edition


the before



the after


and the last vow i put in was for three vindicators, im not too happy how the skulls turned out but i liked the hazard stripes on the other two.







here is my papa nurgle i painted back before i joined the navy. the problem with making the rest of my nurgle is for the life of me i can not remember how to paint it. it was like 7 stages of drybrushing or something for the green and 5 or 6 for the guts



Nice army! and my suggestion for a copper recipe would be, base coat black, layer of Blazing Orange, a thin even layer of Dwarven Bronze, and then wash with ogryn flesh. I use it for one of the main colors for my Astartes, and it is really nice fiery deep copper.

@Chief Captain Redd thank you for the compliments, can you perhaps post a photo or send a link to where i could see a photo of it? i do like the sound of it though


@Tanith Ghost haha thank you i was trying to reach the 10k mark for this challenge and unfortunately i missed it by about 500. i have about 12k painted altogether for my army so most of it came about because of the ETL. which is really why i joined bolter and chainsword in the first place haha.


as soon as i get home from this underway im going to start working on my lightning, cause its been wanting to be painted for a long time. the main problem is that i cant use painters tape to do the hazard stripes because it strips the paint off! so i need to figure out something different, as well as get some brass rods or wooden dowels to make a flying stand for him.

@Tanith Ghost haha thank you i was trying to reach the 10k mark for this challenge and unfortunately i missed it by about 500. i have about 12k painted altogether for my army so most of it came about because of the ETL. which is really why i joined bolter and chainsword in the first place haha.


It is a good reason to join but there are even more reasons to stay! 12k painted is far more than I'll have for a looooong time. :teehee:

yeah i intend to stay around although I'm rather intimidated by the quality of some of the other iron warriors painters here haha. i just started to really like painting and I'm terrible by comparison. but only way to get better is to do it haha. i don't know if ill ever be on their level, I'm more of a gamer than a painter. but i would love to see all of my stuff fully painted. and unfortunately on my last vow i ran out of tin bitz and since they don't sell that anymore i have to try and figure out how to mirror the method i had been using which was tin bitz wash flesh wash (old school flesh wash) drybrush shining gold. not too sure how I'm gonna mimic it now though. ill have to experiment but that will leave a few models looking different than the rest. but meh its chaos so it happens haha.
wow with starting off with an orange i expected it to be a bit brighter. and if its darker than what it is in the picture i think its pretty close to what im looking for.so ill be trying it out here in the next couple of days and post up a squad or so. depending on how motivated i am haha.
  • 2 weeks later...

I have not had much chance to paint anything new, i just finished building a table to play on. now im working on the terrain, i started on my lightning, but then got distracted by putting up all of my models on my newly built table. So i figure ill at least put the photos up of my grand company including models that are broken or in the case of a titan and a marauder; sun warped. so here is everything i have built, about three companies worth of my grand company. i still have to build one warhound the slaneesh and tzeentch greater demons 20 blood letters two basilisks a manticore some termis and about 20 marines. also i have about 100 traitor guard that there was no room for.






and the air force


haha yeah that poor warhound. i went underway and forgot he and the marauder were in the car, needless to say the sun wasnt very nice to them. so now i have to use the wife's hairdryer to fix them at some point, not looking forward to it though. ive been playing chaos since 04 so this collection has been a long time in the making haha. although along the way ive started tyranids four times and had tau for a few months. ive also changed my chaos paint scheme a good 20 times before settling on iron warriors, so i can at least say thats some of the reason theres not too much painted haha.


thanks for the compliment rb, now i just have to paint it all!


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