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how to arm your Lib


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Axe almost every time for me unless its a terminator libby with a shield maybe.


Libbies are pretty rubbish in a challenge with no invun, a 2+/3++ terminator with SS is the only big exception but even then he's probably going to want something ap2 to make the most of his SS.


So the two main builds for me are:


Terminator armour, axe & stormshield (optional he can work plenty well with just a 2+ provided you can dodge bad matchups in challenges.


Power armour, Jump pack, Axe


^Both usually defaulting to divination for prescience. Taking anything better if the roll it. (4+ invun is juicy as is the one that makes them reroll their normal saves (superdoom/antifortune!).


Everything I'm about to say now goes for sanguinary priests too, and a priest and libby with axes in a ASM squad can put out some silly hurty hurting whilst being very hard to get at till the rest of the squad is knackered.


(Warning tho this appears to be debated by some players)


Being I1 is a good thing, infact when burried in a ASM its a great thing. You need to have a sgt or some contingency for challenges you dont want to face really, I feel just declining challenges you dont like will get you into trouble too often. But assuming the libby or priest can send someone else to eat the odd challenge......


They hang at the back of the squad where its safe as can be from CC wounds, (possibly even outside 2" of an engaged model meaning they can't be challenged) then at initiative 1 they pile 3" into range and (on the charge) unleash 8 S6 ap2 wounds, at Ws5 no less! (4 attacks on the charge individually)


Vs MEQ and TEQ

Hit on a 3+ (4+ at worst). Rerolling misses with prescience. Wound on a 2+. Around 6-8 die!


And you have up to 10 ablative wounds before they go down. Who also have strength 5 attacks, rerolling misses with prescience. Its entirely possible to crunch a full marine squad in a round with this (not always a good thing). But It does also mean you can (semi suicidally) put a serious hurting on a terminator squad if pushed, if said terminators have lots of ap3 (Grey knights & lightning claw assaults) this is likely to end badly tho unless you can whittle their numbers first.



Exactly the same deal with terminator libbies and preists axe's if your not in a challenge. With the added bonus of the 2+saves and optional stormshield on the libby to make them not terrible at taking some damage back himself. However it'll cost you 1 attack on each of them which I suppose your trading for lasting longer.


Personally I think this works best with assault squads. Libby and a priest were always mainstays, just now they work best with axes (tho you could stick a fist on the priest for inurance, it would work the same way).



^So yeh in the absence of either a powerfist or hammer option. Axes on Librarians! There are some who feel that you always pile in at normal initiative regardless of the unweildy rule or simmilar, I don't agree myself but I'm sure someone will state their case on the matter.

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They hang at the back of the squad where its safe as can be from CC wounds, (possibly even outside 2" of an engaged model meaning they can't be challenged) then at initiative 1 they pile 3" into range and (on the charge) unleash 8 S6 ap2 wounds, at Ws5 no less! (4 attacks on the charge individually)


Pretty sure the challenge rule is "locked" not "engaged"

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Pretty sure the challenge rule is "locked" not "engaged"


You may be sure, but you should probably read page 64 anyway. A character must be "locked" to issue a challenge, but must be "engaged" to accept. Is this intentional or crappy writing? Who knows, but that's what the book says.



Seems pretty clear from the rulebook that you only need to be "engaged" for someone to challenge you atleast, tho perhaps it is indeed an oversight? That said I can only play the rules as written there and they do make sense atleast. i.e. Basically anyone eligible for a challenge can issue one but the enemy may not always be in a position to accept, or annoyingly/usefully depending on your predicament not all the elibigble charachters may be in range forcing you to accept or decline with a limited pool (worth considering for formation on the charge, pre measuring FTW!).


Realisticly tho staying out of 2" of an engaged model isn't always going to be that easy to pull off with the inherent risks of random charge length so I think I'd be inclined to just keep them at the back and treat the possibility of being immune to attacks untill their pile in as a bonus. If the enemy has chewed through all your assault marines to get to them you clearly didn't really want to be in that CC anyway!



Also in reference to something someone mentioned on another thread (I forget who or where sorry), this might work very very well with a two ASM squad team (or it may not its just an idea at this stage). Front squad is just a normal ASM which lines up its charge with the 2nd squad with libby and priest lining up a JP charge behind them. The libby/priest squad then attempts its charge over the top of the other ASM squad shielding them from the worst of the overwatch. If they make the charge then sweet, your free to pile in with the other ASM squad or not as you feel the need. If not the other ASM squad can still attempt to charge after with little risk of overwatch to tie them up.


Failing all of that^ you could just stick the unupgraded squad behind the libby/priest squad and use them to A. pitch extra bodies in CC but mostly B. provide a fresh new squad for the priest/libby to jump ship to once their 1st squad is past its prime to potentially double the longevity of your priest/libby/axe combo. Maybe 2 plasmaguns not such a terrible idea there as it would let them privide some none too shabby firesupport in the meantime....


Just a thought anyway....

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I vote Axe as well. If challenged, refuse (within situational limits). BA Libby is support, not a melee IC. Even when in doubt, refuse the challenge--- it just ain't worth it. Living to cast next turn is far, far more valuable than potentially winning a challenge even versus an opposing naked MEQ Sgt.


And of course, if there's no challenge (or a Sgt 'absorbs' the challenge), then you kill much more.

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The model I had before 6th edition had an axe and it will stay an axe. Not because of the rules bbut because axes are AWESOME!!!!


And because I made the conversion :lol:


I was extremely fortunate in that I used spare GK Halberds to model all my BA Librarians. Halberd = Axe in my opinion, since it is a type of poleaxe. Nobody's contested the definition yet, so that's nice.


A bit ironic though, that GK Halberds give +2 Initiative (AP3) yet anyone else holding one is I1 (AP2)...... I guess its not the weapon that matters, its how you use it? :P




(PS: I sold my GK a few months after their current codex came out. I played them for years, then once they became ridiculous I sold them away. Games were too easy with them, I felt no honor with my wins. But now I have lots of GK bits leftover which I've been slowly incorporating into things. Heh.)

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