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pre shading

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Beasts of war Romain uses a technique called preshading. basically when he primes the model he primes black, then grey then white, with lighter coats each time from the top showing a natural highlight where the light would hit. he then paints with thinned down paints and the shading stays, darkening where the black is and lightening where the white is.


i just tried this technique on a space wolf terminator. the priming looked pretty cool and i then applied shadow grey thinned significantly with lahmian medium. however in mine the shading didnt come through.


I tried thinning it down to wash consistency but then the color didnt show up on the black.


any suggestions about how to make this work?


i did think about starting with grey then highlighting white with my primers and then mixing some SW grey into blue wash and trying that.

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Exactly winterdyne. If the paint you're putting down is taking more than a few seconds to be touch-dry, you've put down too much. I also recommend thinning the paint with a mixture of water and acrylic medium(the ratios depend on how you want the paint to "feel" on the mini, so you'll have to arrive at a mix you like through experimentation), as that allows you to get the paint down to the right consistency without totally washing out the colour. I actually think the best video that Romaine has done to demonstrate the technique is the one where he paints the gargoyle clinging to a pillar(is it one of the old Rackham minis? I forget), you can clearly see just how thin the paint is, and how sparing he is with it.
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