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The Phoenix

Lord Morgrim

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Greetings all,


I have finished painting (but still to base, any suggestions let me know) My Lord and his "cabal" of Tzeentch terminators....I converted some Grey Knights I had...... anyways here they are










The halberds will be power axes. The unit champ has a daemonhammer which will count as a power fist plus a heavy flamer....I am very happy with how they came out

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Nicely defiled. The script engraved on the armour doesn't look out of place at all. It looks good!

I'd recommend broken rock bases, to match the Lord.


If I could make a couple of suggestions it would be to drill gun barrels and clear up a few mould lines (like along the back of a stormbolter I see a prominent one).

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The model on the bottom right seems to be rocking back a bit awkwardly, I think for those legs the ball of the left foot is supposed to be flat on the ground, with just the toe of the right foot touching the ground behind? You'll be rebasing anyway, so just something to keep track of.


Various small slate bits look nice next to the pointy star/outcropping thing that the lord comes on, I'd try that for the rest of the unit, filling in the rest of the base with sand or textured paint.


Otherwise, looking good. I like the paint scheme, and the use of grey knight termies. The scrollwork looks great, very Word Bearersish. And the chaos marine heads & trophy racks do a convincing job of traitoring them up. Nice work.

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I like them a lot, that's a nice clean red and the metal is nice and weathered. The Lord is possibly the first time I've seen that helmet used and not thought it immensely silly, it works really well.


I agree with malisteen, the model on the right looks a little unbalanced. The problem is that even walking up a hill you tend to keep your torso vertical. I don't know how easy it would be to re-position the torso, and hunch it forward a bit.


I really like the green, it's a nice contrast but you haven't used it too much. It makes some feature stand out nicely.


Looking forward to the rest of the warband!

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