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Tribun's Astartes


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I have to agree with Sword Brethren, the sergeant's face is very well done. A great alternative to flesh tones.

The chainfist looks well done. Made from a chain sword?

The cyclone is okay, but I think if it had some cabling coming out the back or a targeter/lens on the top or side it would be a nice addition.

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So here is a new try on a unique painting -sheme for my own chapter:


Steel blue armour with silver weapons and golden ornaments. The bases have been designed with a volcano- magma-effect in mind.




For my chapter I wanna use the SW-dex, the background will also be something mythologic-nordic...actually I was inspired by WHF-Dwarfs :D.


...ironbreakers... any suggestions?

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Overall I'd say great. The only parts that bother me is the red fists ... at first they looked spay painted (but not rest of model ... odd), now (maybe its just the pics) they just look like lumps.


As I said, rest of the models look great ... and maybe the fists just show up bad in the pics. Looking forward to seeing more.

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Looking good there brother! I'm liking the use of the bits from the dwarves' boxes, however some of the shields look a bit small for a marine. ;)



What do the Einherjer count as game-wise? Normal Grey Hunters/Lone Wolves and Runepriest, or something more...'mystic'?

They're looking nice, but perhaps another edge-highlight on the Einherjer would make them pop a little more, you know, defining the different armour plates and such. :)


Nice rout overall, there! Keep it up! :)





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