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Some Questions About Transports


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1. Can only the unit that purchased a dedicated transport begin the game in said transport? (If I buy a Rhino for my Tactical squad, are my Devastators not allowed to start in it?


2. Can a unit start in a transport that is not a dedicated transport? (My Tacticals begin the game in a Heavy Support Choice Land Raider)? I'm guessing this one is a yes, as it always has been, but I can't find anything on it.


3? This relates to both of the above - Can a unit begin the game in a transport in reserve if it is not their dedicated transport? (Obviously the answer to number 1 will decide whether it can be someone else's dedicated transport). So could my Veterans begin in their Vendetta? (I'm guessing yes). But could they also be held in reserve in someone else's Dedicated transport?



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1. No one can start in a dedicated transport except the unit who bought it and ICs attached to that unit.


2. A unit can start the game in a non-dedicated transport such as Land Raiders and Storm Ravens.


3. A unit can start the game in reserve in either their own dedicated transport or a non-dedicated transport.

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