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Mud, Blood and yellow Armour


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So I've finally decided to make a yellow Imperial fist army. I'm sadly not the greatest of painters and doubt I ever will be, too lazy and all. The new base paints from GW have made yellow easier though so here I am.

I've gone for a gritty feel, with mud and trenches, wear on the vehicles etc, I'm pretty pleased with the yellow so far, though it's difficult to paint it smoothly on larger surfaces, but am sure practise will help with that. So far I've done 3 tactical marines, and just now I finished a Predator. I'd like to finish at least a full tactical squad and a Ironclad in August, fingers crossed! Here's what I've done so far, critique and comments more than welcome









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This should be staying a active WIP thread for a while now hehe, besides this I've got 2 drop pods, a ironclad, 2 speeders, 5 terminators and more regular marines to do, work work

So I decided to make myself a Captain instead of painting, tsk tsk Kris. I've been inspired by countless others who have done Hoplite like space marines, I've always loved the idea and how it looked so I figured it was my time. The Shield is from Anvil industries and I bought a few more for future command squads and what not, and the spear, which will be counting as a relic blade, is a mix of GK weapons. I'm pretty pleased with him as I'm not really used to converting much at all. Next up should be some more painted tacticals.. or a Ironclad.







Really nice stuff Krishar!!!!!!!! :D :P :lol:


I especially like your Predator. How come the 2nd marine has a silver shoulder pad? Im watching this intently.


The Emperor


I'm just wanting to see if it looks better with just the rivets or a full steel shoulder plate, and thanks! it's been a pleasure doing this army so far.

It's the end of August, I joined a.. "get xx stuff done by end of the month" thing on a local forum and just managed to finish my goal for this first month.


My ironclad and another 3 marines. Next up are Terminators, 4 more Tacticals and Land speeders.





Nice paintjobs, but you need to cut the entire handles off your guns. The hands should sit flush against the guns. As it stands now your guns have two triggers as the hands already have a trigger guard with the pointer fingers on the triggers molded on them. It looks pretty goofy the way you have them.

These look superb, a nice dirty yellow, great weathering, looks like they have been through hell and back again. I do love the ironclad, one of my favourites so far.


Keep up the great looking models and good luck with the reinforcements.

  • 2 months later...

After a long time of little time, or motivation for painting I finally got started on my Fists again, I've painted 4 models over the weekend, 2 termies, a heavy tactical and my first sergeant, I considered what to do with both sergeant and terminatos for a while, the sergeants head specifically, and in regards to the terminators I considered including some puple somewhere on the models, I ended up going with the half classic red helm and white stripe for sergeant, and kept the terminators "pure" I might change it later, I'm tempted to paint one with a purple powerfist to see how that might look but not certain about it.

Generally I'm pleased with all models though I really need to get better at making the layers of differant yellow smoother, some not so great transitions there that become painfully obvious when seen on pictures. Enjoy.






I also made myself a Librarian from GK and SM sergeant bits, and a cloak from somewhere else, I'm quite pleased with him and looking forward to painting his armour both yellow and blue, and the sword purple I think, Considering painting him and my captain as some of the next things this month



I'm on a painting roll, so I finished my very first land speeder, I'm decently pleased with the result, though in the future I will never ever glue the men into the speeder before painting, what a pain, and both the marines and the interior of the speeder has suffered due to the glueing idiocy, oh well, you live and you learn.

The blue exhaust is something I saw somwhere and found cool, so i tried it myself, for a first try I think it's OK, though it'll take plenty more practise to get it good, there's more of it inside the shell of the speeder and such though it doesn't really show in the picture sadly. The purple bits I really like and think I'll add some to all of my vehicles in the future, considering something purple for my termies aswell but we'll see. anyway, enjoy!





Terminators done! I opted for the purple fists to tie them in with rest of my company, next is a rhino or maybe my librarian.. and need to assemble some more tactical marines, which I want to put more work into than normally as I've seen so many cool marine ideas around here lately. stay tuned !





I've also got some scouts lying around but I'm rather unsure about how to paint their cloaks, thinking a fall/brown'ish camo pattern so it doesn't look too ridicoulous with the muddy bases, but that might be too boring =/

7th Reserve Company - 100 marines in purple trim, who may or may not be mounted - is that your plan? Are you going to field Assault Squads or Devastators as support from 8th-9th companies?



I'll be fielding units from 8-9th aswell, or maybe grant some devs and assault marines purple trims aswell for a special occasion hehe, perhaps make some fluff about a portion of the 7th being called out on a long campaign and the rest of the units accompanging hem changing trims after set amount of hard trials, I'll see when I get there.


Currently I'm painting up my librarian, and really unsure about which colour to paint his cloak, I'm wanting to go purple to have him fit with the rest of my army a tad, but that might just be too many colours with the yellow and blue already on him.

I finished with my Librarian and it's nice to see how skills ever so slowly but kind of surely improve, I think he's one of the best minatures I've painted so far. I'm thus quite pleased with him, I especially like the cloak and sword, On the sword I used more wet paints than usually to get a more smooth blending, something I'll try to do more of in the future. I was unsure about the purple for a long time but now that it's done I love it. There are however a few issues that could have been avoided or at least improved.


1) The head could be alot better, for one I should've never glued it in place before I was done painting it, the differant flesh layers and blending need to be better and smoother, and I think I need one of those magnifying desk lamp things, as I really can't even see where eyes were supposed to be exactly and such,


2) I redid his tabard twice, first it was just lines looking like writing but I decided to go for the symbol instead, it isn't great but it's ok


3) The backpack and cloak could also have been better sculpture wise, greenstuff for the upper part of the cloak so it sits beneath the backpack properly, and a better angle for the backpack, they should have been painted by themselves aswell like the head, next model I paint I'll be sure to only assemble it partly before proceeding to painting stages.


4) The base is rather bland compared to the model, and the bases on many of my other fists, maybe it's good that it's simple so it doesn't take away from the model itself, but I'm considering changing it..










After some critique elsewhereI put in another 1 ½ hour on the face and learned a bit, I actually managed to kind of make eyes and made the blending a bit better, it looks like this now:




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