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Obsidians Night Lords

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Well, hello again,

it's been a long time with no projects on the go for me, however, I couldn't resist after reading Mr Dembski-Bowdens Night Lords novels. Must be something in the water... or maybe just because they're damn good books!


Yes, I was inspired to start my own little Night Lords warband.

There is very little chance of me creating model representations of Talos and his band of loveable rogues, I don't think I could do them justice, and there are so many different takes that I've seen that are better than I could hope to pull off. But like I said, inspiration is the key to this, and I was most definitely inspired.


Anyway, I've made a start using bits I had left over from my Word Bearers plus a couple of new purchases, so without further ado, here are some visual delights.



My Chaos Lord, made from possessed bits, termi lord bits and the vehicle crew kit, I was definitely inspired by that particular head after watching a certain Christopher Nolan movie a couple of weeks ago, I just had this image in my head of him standing over a flayed grey knight or something calmly saying "When your Imperium is ashes, then you have my permission to die"




Might just be me though....


Due to lack of stock at my local model shop I only managed to get one box of Chaos Marines, but luckily the set can yield two troops choices if you're thrifty with what you use, so here is the first squad (still need to do decals)




Second squad




and I also have a heavy support option (little bits and bobs need finishing off)





so that's it for now, I hope you like what I have so far


I'll just leave you with an army shot before I go




Thanks for reading

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I can sense him, Brother Nihm is coming... soon his comments praising another accurate representation of his legion will blot out the son and bathe this sub-forum in terror and darkness.....


But seriously, Solid job on these guys! good to see Night lords done right.

Haha, thanks Brother Captain, you're right, I hope someday to have the approval of the esteemed Brother Nihm, I have no idea how I'd have done the lightning without the guidance of his tutorial (with a few modifications due to using the new GW paints - Kantor Blue is no way the same as necron abyss, and I have no idea why they even suggested it in the conversion chart as I can tell you straight away that I based these in NA then the final highlight is KB)


Thanks for sharing the love




I like them, alot.

Particularly that Raider. It looks like a rolling thunderstorm!


Did some tests myself and you are absolutely correct in that KB is nothing like Necron Abyss. I still have my stock of NA.. but when it is gone, it is gone.. :(


Back to the models,

Generally speaking, the dark blues and vibrant colours on the weapons & top knots really make them pop.



Well done Sir. ;)

Ever since my good friend Dan's Night Lord blog, I have been finding it very difficult to be impressed by other Night Lord armies (including my own). This, however, is one that I am very impressed with.


Consider me a sucker for the good ol' spikes and lightning chaos Night Lords (I'm sick of those 'puritan' armies) but I really like what you've got going on here man. With the limited stock you have, you've managed to make some really stellar models with some top notch painting and that Land Raider is just boss.


The only single comment I will make, which I feel is really dragging some of your models down, is painting the face plates white. Yes, terror markings are an interesting concept but, unless you plan on actually painting it like a skull, it just looks off... And to be honest it kinda makes the face plates look like a blob. I'm not saying that you shouldn't do it. I mean, if you like it then more power to you but, don't put it on every single marine. It just sorta detracts from the value of the terror markings and makes it less unique.


Keep up the good work.

  • 2 weeks later...

Back again, this time with more progress shots for all of you lovely people.


I found some of my old word bearers to repaint in order to bolster my troops options, after a quick soak on dettol, they were ready for me to get started on.




naturally, I don't like to waste my makeshift paint stripper when it's good for a few more things, so I stuck some khorne bezerkers in




some more marines... this lot I've only got as far as basecoating in Necron Abyss




Bringing in some heavy firepower on the elites side








I'm also working on a defiler, but I'm finding it quite an uninspiring model to paint, once I've made some progress worth showing, I'll post pictures.



Very nice work :) Would you mind sharing your skin recipe, please?


I'm looking forward to seeing your progress!




No problems at all, the recipe is easy but you do need to be familiar with glazing techniques to do it like mine.


Stage 1: Space Wolves Grey (watered down) use a couple of coats to build it up nice and bright.


Stage 2: Nuln Oil wash (nice and thickly applied, you want the skin to look really dark blue/grey


Stage 3: Glaze Space Wolves Grey, basically water it down so it's really thin, wipe of all residue on a tissue so there's almost no paint there and build it up in layers. it doesn't take long as if you glaze it right, each coat is dry the second you lift the brush off


Stage 4: A small dab of white where the details are raised the most.


Don't bother with the eyes as nostramans are meant to have jet black eyes.


For the skulls, I use the same technique, but substitute space wolves grey with deneb stone (as it's foundation, water it down even more)

  • 4 weeks later...


I feel it's way to long since my last update, well as this log has been relegated to the depths, I feel that we are long overdue for you to see the fruits of my labour...


first things first, I think I've nailed lightning, it's only taken me about 20 models to get through, but I'm happy with the results.








so theres the last 5 of my 2nd "tactical squad" still waiting for the codex but I feel that they are at least well presented, still WIP as they need the gold boosting and the whites of the lightning done, bolters etc done you get the drill, I'll post more as they are done.






Dark Vengeance, Still not bought it due to financial means, however, I did manage to scrounge up some money for a couple of ebay purchases, I decided that Kranon the relentless needed to be a Night Lord, here he is so far..




That bits done...

Heres where you all come in, I can't nail the cape or the sword, no matter what I do, I'm not happy, so suggestions are very welcome, dettols always at hand if necessary.






Hellbrute, not much to say other that I love the model, so much fun, plus I have a few ideas for my next one, including twin linked lascannons and a position change, £ 12 off ebay will allow this quite nicley untill GW bring out another model.




This month, I'm looking at ebaying the chosen squad of ebay, and at least two squads of raptors from GW, that should last me for the forseeable future! I mean month....




Oh, and if you really want to know why it's been so long since my last update of this log, I decided to have a shot at a display standard piece, made from a 2nd edition model, that although not Night Lords, it still makes me feel happy to paint it... still power armour so I think I'm ok in this forum.

10 hours over a month in, here you go...






ok, I'm done....

haha just advance ordered some of the new raptors, bring on 6th October!

I should have some chosen by the end of the week as well so I better get busy finishing this lot off!


What does the Blood Angel have chained to his shoulderpad?


I'm painting it as a piece of parchment, i'ts some kind of litany that GW sculpted onto a death company shoulderpad, it was the only one I had free at the time.

  • 1 month later...

I'm just checking in to say that this log isn't dead, actually it's far from it, I just haven't had time recently to update with pics.


I have some new goodies to show off and I'll be posting again as soon as I can edit photos, just so you're not kept in suspense I will soon be posting the following...


Dark Vengeance Chosen,

2 Chaos Sorcerers,

5 Warp Talons,

5 Raptors,

10 Chaos Space Marines with raptor bits thrown in


and a complete rethinking of my bases thanks to Dark Art Miniatures.


ooh, exciting!


Keep your eyes peeled.

Cool work! I love all the Night Lords and the Blood Angel looks boss! That lightning on them is really good and I love the effect on the Raider. Like Nihm said, it looks like a rolling thunderstorm. (You should totally call it that... Rolling Thunder or Volvite Tonitrus [latin]) Can't wait to see the other wrks, I'll be watching this thread <_<
  • 2 weeks later...

Finally, I've managed to get off my backside and upload some pics, only took me two weeks to take them and upload...


Well, first things first, here's an ensemble shot of these darkartminiatures bases, I've painted them roughly in the same way Klaus (site owner) paints them using the tutorial on the site.




Next, I couldn't resist buying some raptors, I got two boxes, (1 Raptors, 1 Warp Talons) the champions pretty much finished, but I'll post pics of the rest asap.




I got this guy of ebay for about £3 unpainted, and have made a start.




and finally two members of my chosen.






BONUS... A side shot





  • 2 weeks later...

I managed to get some clearer photos done. I'm having a lot of fun with the bases.


















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