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Question regarding charges


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In a recent game, I tried to get a multi-charge off with two sqauds of Deathwing vs. one sqaud of Hammernators w/Sang Priest. My opponent stuck Mehpiston in a particular spot so that I would have to split one units charge between him and the hammernators behind him. My second unit had a clear shot at said hammernators. I had an ample charge roll and was quit close at this point. The first squad split (in hindsight, maybe I should have moved them second), which was his intention, and as they were moved into the assault he said I had basically blocked my other squad from charging with my first squad because I had to move in a straight line to the nearest enemy to get base to base.


My question is, is that true in 6th ed? I know some things have changed. But I believe I had enough distance to do a sort of curved charged - we're talking about probably less than a 1/4 in really.


I posted this question in an army list thread and the response was that charges follow the same rules as movement in this case, and my opponent was incorrect for saying I had blocked myself.


EDIT: Actually, feel free to discuss, but I think I have my answer here

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Your opponent was incorrect. The rule is that you must move the closest model in the charging unit to the closest model in the victim unit, but there is no requirement to do so in a straight line. The requirement is that they use the shortest route possible (which typically becomes a straight line!).

If Squad A had blocked Squad Bs direct line to the model closest to Squad B, and prevented Squad B from making base contact with that model, they simply attempt to base the next closest model (if they have the charge range to do so).


Also, you are not required to charge intervening models between you and your target. You can charge AROUND Mephiston instead of including him in the assault. You simply have to have room to move your bases by him, and may not end in base contact with him after your charge moves are complete.

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No, you must simply take the shortest distance. Generally, between two points that will be a straight line, but if there is intervening stuff, you may move around it the minimum required to get where you need to go, up to your max move.
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Also, you are not required to charge intervening models between you and your target. You can charge AROUND Mephiston instead of including him in the assault. You simply have to have room to move your bases by him, and may not end in base contact with him after your charge moves are complete.


Now this is news. I got majorly duped.


Thanks for the answers guys.


And sorry I didn't look into it myself - between our group of friends only a couple of us have the rulebook, unfortunately I'm not one of them yet. After the debacle I just had, I should change that.

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Also, you are not required to charge intervening models between you and your target. You can charge AROUND Mephiston instead of including him in the assault. You simply have to have room to move your bases by him, and may not end in base contact with him after your charge moves are complete.


Now this is news. I got majorly duped.


Thanks for the answers guys.


And sorry I didn't look into it myself - between our group of friends only a couple of us have the rulebook, unfortunately I'm not one of them yet. After the debacle I just had, I should change that.

when in doubt, very basic things like this RARELY change between editions. you can always look in the past three editions of 40k, the only difference that i can think of between 6e and the previous 3 is RCD.

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Also, you are not required to charge intervening models between you and your target. You can charge AROUND Mephiston instead of including him in the assault. You simply have to have room to move your bases by him, and may not end in base contact with him after your charge moves are complete.


Now this is news. I got majorly duped.


Thanks for the answers guys.


And sorry I didn't look into it myself - between our group of friends only a couple of us have the rulebook, unfortunately I'm not one of them yet. After the debacle I just had, I should change that.

when in doubt, very basic things like this RARELY change between editions. you can always look in the past three editions of 40k, the only difference that i can think of between 6e and the previous 3 is RCD.


I always thought intervening models would be caught in the combat in past the edition - so being able to bypass AND come within 1" of enemy models while doing so is new to me. In addition, the whole primary and secondary target thing is new. The rolling for range is new. The pile in has changed. No more allocation by wargear, etc. etc....


So yea, combat has changed IMO. Unless you mean my initial question about charging in a straight line which hasn't changed.

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  • 3 weeks later...
So, its OK to ignore the 1" zone around an enemy model (not in the squad being charged), if the charging squad does not end its move within 1"? You can't do this during normal movement. What allows you to do it during a charge?
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@ Warprat


"A model cannot move within 1" of an enemy model unless they are charging into close combat."

(6th Edition Rulebook, p. 10)

"All of the models in a charging unit make their charge move - up to the 2D6 distance you rolled earlier - following the same rules as in the movement phase, with the exception that they can be moved within 1" of enemy models. Charging models still cannot move through friendly or enemy models, cannot pass through gaps narrower than their base, and cannot move into base contact with enemy models from a unit they are not charging."

(6th Edition Rulebook, p. 21)

"At the start of each Initiative step, any model whose Initiative is equal to the value of the current Initiative step, that isn't already in base contact with an enemy model, must make a Pile In move. (...)

These moves follow the same rules as moving charging models, except that they are not slowed by difficult terrain (...)"

(6th Edition Rulebook, p. 23)

I.e. Models that are charging or piling in are allowed to move within 1" of enemy models. It does not matter whether they had declared a charge against the enemy model or not. The restriction to not move within 1" of enemy models is completely ignored when charging or piling in. However, charging or piling in models may still not move into base contact with enemy models they are not charging.


Thanks, Legatus, for doing the legwork.

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