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'Tactical' Terminator Squad

Dallas Drake

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Hey guys,


I was wondering if people wanted to post their experiences with 'normal' Terminators. Any tips, tactics, dos or don'ts, preferable set ups & load outs. I'm planning on running 5 with a Chainfist & Assault Cannon, either starting them on the board or Deep Striking them off a Tactical Squad Teleport Homer.


Any thoughts?

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In last edition, my tactical terminators rode around in my LRR at times and maybe ate one unit, then destroyed by plasma fire (which was very popular around here during 5th). I fear that will still hold true in 6th.


Last edition it seemed more reasonable to footslog tac termies in larger numbers than five and I think that still holds true now. FNP works against plasma, so attaching a priest to them can be nice, and assault cannons are also neat now with Precision Shot. ;)

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I've played 5 Terminators with an Assault Cannon in a few games alongside Dante, 2 Sanguinary Guards, Plasma Honour Guard, 2 Baals, a Storm Raven and a few fillers.


I put them on a flank and leave them to it. They stroll around protecting an objective or move forwards laying down a bit of covering fire, taking out transports and assaulting slow moving enemies that get too close.



I think they'll be staying in my list for the time being - compared with the fast moving Sang. Guard my opponents have generally left them alone until it's too late to deal with them.




Just don't put them near lots of AP2 weaponry for obvious reasons ;)

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and assault cannons are also neat now with Precision Shot. :D

I don't follow. Precision shot is with characters shooting only and only the Sergeant is listed as a Character. Am I missing something that would allow this?

Oh I made a mistake; now that I think on it, the BA codex doesn't allow the squad sergeant to take the upgrade. Disregard that chunk. Not sure what I was smoking there.

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Talking about not giving your sergeant an assault cannon, I came up against a C:SM player who argued that it just says that it states that "one terminator" not that it cant be the sergeant, citing the CSM codex where you can give your sergeant (or equivalent) the chaos icon as well as is standard gear. I let it slide, what are everyone elses thoughts on this?
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I let it slide, what are everyone elses thoughts on this?

For the same reason that Apothecaries and Company Champions can't take upgrades, neither can the Terminator Sergeant. He has his own profile and is referred to as "Sergeant" and not "Terminator" in the upgrades section (as is the case with tac squads, assault squads, etc.).

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In 6th I've run tactical terminators (assault cannon as the special gun) with Corbulo and a librarian in terminator armor with a storm shield attached. So good at soaking up incoming fire.


Question 1: Are they starting on the board & footslogging? How does this match with the rest of your army - do they get left behind? This is something I'm tempted to try, give the unit a hell of a lot of staying power & can dish it out too.


Question 2: If a melta weapon or say Lascannon (something that does ID) shoots the unit & Corbs is out front are you using LOS for a Terminator to catch it for him on a 5+?


- Dallas

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After a few games I have to say that I liked the footslogging blob of FnP termies better in 5th. Worse cover, focus fire rules and 5+ FnP makes for a less durable unit than before. You can put corbs in there instead of a normal SP to make things a little better but then they can't deepstrike. Overall I feel like they are less valuable now.


I've also tried running them as a support unit in a pod heavy list, just 5 or 6 men with a special weapon that drops down on turn 2 using a locator beacon on one of the pods. That worked quite well, but I haven't made up mind yet if I prefer these or meltabomb vanguards in a similar position.

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In 6th I've run tactical terminators (assault cannon as the special gun) with Corbulo and a librarian in terminator armor with a storm shield attached. So good at soaking up incoming fire.


Question 1: Are they starting on the board & footslogging? How does this match with the rest of your army - do they get left behind? This is something I'm tempted to try, give the unit a hell of a lot of staying power & can dish it out too.


Question 2: If a melta weapon or say Lascannon (something that does ID) shoots the unit & Corbs is out front are you using LOS for a Terminator to catch it for him on a 5+?


- Dallas

1. start on board and footslog. But this is with a rather slow army, the entire army is designed more as a gunline (scouts snipers, devs, sternguard, tacs with a few supporting assault marines and bikes).


2. LOS it to a random Terminator. Sometimes you can decide to risk it on the Librarian, but not usually.

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