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Possible scion of Magnus

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I constantly have a problem with deciding which army to use and I've been flitting between codices like a moth between candles. However, noe of them really capture me for long so I've been thinking that with 6th edition now out and chaos having an update around the corner I feel that the thousand sons seem like the best army to go for.


Due to my love of tzeentch's scheming and the sons of Magnus' thirst for knowledge I come to you the sorcerers to ask you for advice on how to start up my own thousand sons army and also how you've been fairing in sixth edition.

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What Fediuld said. I'd purchase up maybe two boxes of Thousand Sons, Ahriman and maybe a box of flamers (since you can use them as Allies in sixth). If you don't want Ahriman, get a daemon prince. That would be a good starting point.
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Time is ripe for some Daemon allies too. A Herald, a 9-strong squad of Pink Horrors with bolt, and 3 Flamers is a cheap investment (New flamer box, pink horror box, convert one to Herald w/ bitz from flamers). Brings some serious hurt via deep strike, and flamers can make a mess of vehicles if you're aggressive with drop placement--Bolt of Tzeentch alternatively if you go from further away.


Add that for some color and fun to a pretty simple Thousand Sons army (akin to others' suggestions) and you'll have a good time.



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Thanks for the advice guys, I'm thinking of getting Ahriman with 3 squads of thousand sons marines. I also like the idea of using daemon allies so I will probably get Fateweaver and some pink horrors to accompany my main force then spend what's left on obliterators. Between Ahriman and Fateweaver I'll be firing off psychic powers like crazy, just as I love. :(


I really appreciate the help everyone, thank you.

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many people chose to convert some sorcerors-in-TDA for their obliterators (like so), counting the various weapons the oblits can shoot with as different shooty cantrip spells. The 2+ save, 5+ inv, and base size all support the idea of terminator armour too.

And as someone else mentioned (although in a slightly different context) - you can use these as almost anything when the new codex comes, because they're just casting spells with their free hand!

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I constantly have a problem with deciding which army to use and I've been flitting between codices like a moth between candles. However, noe of them really capture me for long so I've been thinking that with 6th edition now out and chaos having an update around the corner I feel that the thousand sons seem like the best army to go for.


Due to my love of tzeentch's scheming and the sons of Magnus' thirst for knowledge I come to you the sorcerers to ask you for advice on how to start up my own thousand sons army and also how you've been fairing in sixth edition.


Same problem myself, aside from World Eaters my entire 40k experience has been flirting with all the ruinous powers and undivided legions.. but I'd just pick up some TS boxes and and wait for the new codex.

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If I'm not mistaken GW will re-release the models in Finecast and plastic (instead of metal and plastic) with the new codex, so if you want a lighter army you should perhaps wait.


Also, in my experience, Telepathy will be your new best friend..... for the first time in years my opponents actually fear the Psychic Powers I use.

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I was wondering whether to take codex powers or those from the BRB, divination and telepathy were the ones that did appeal to me. I love the telepathy primaris power especially because it has the power to do so much damage!


Divination is sadly not an option for Chaos.

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