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Salamanders :) 1st time ever painting!


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As the title states. I suck at painting and typically hire out my work to others. But with me starting a 40K army it would be quite costly with the # of minis needed. So I started painting the army on my own. Its my 1st time. BTW yes I noticed that I forgot the purity seals well after I based and clear coated the guys and said shoot oh well the next set of guys.






comments are welcome I have thick skin so lay it on me.

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LOL it was army painter greenskin spray for the base coat lol I hate the transfers I think I'm getting better at them after cutting closer and closer to the transfer last night will post the next 7 or so minis but yes it is 1st time brush to mini.




Some Black Reach Guys my local gaming group gave me 50 of the Space Marines and 1 Dreadnought!

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looks about 5000 times better than the first marines I ever painted!!!


Yeah, that's what I was gonna say. I painted up an old Death Guard (the 2nd ed. plastic ones) and it looked like moldy poo (but not in that good way that nurgle loves). You definitely did your homework before starting.

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if thats your first time painting, id like to see what happens when you get better.


now im just going to take my models and lament the fact that ive been painting off and on for a decade and im only roughly at your current level..

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Sorry been soo busy with work! But I got my Forge world goodies yesterday :devil:




Set of Terminator Salamander shoulders

2 sets of Salamander shoulders for my SGTs and Characters I think not sure maybe my super cool units.

4 sets of Rhino Doors

1 Land Raider Door set


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As Much as I like the Vulcan Metal and resin I just didn't like the size of the model was larger than a standard marine? ^_^ is up with that. Mr. He'Stan is just a normal guy promoted through the ranks not a super soldier any better than any other SM so I scratch built one from some Grey Knight bits and a handy use of a dremel on a powerfist to make room for a flamer bit= my Gauntlet of the Forge. Here are my pics of wip sorry for the delay.


Mr. He'Stan





Predator in the works.



Custom Captain



Flamers for subs when I need 5 points back from Multimeltas


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My Dreadnoughts MM, DCCW, Stormbolters





White Tactical Squad Melta, MM, Powerfist, Followed by Red Tactical squad with same loadout








Assault squad packs drying from primer


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Well thank you :-) although these are the 1st ever models I have ever painted. I'm looking forward to building the forge world dreadnought and predator. I also picked up a stormtalon and aegis defense line today.
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I just have to finish this guy before I build the awesome goodies from Forge World. I think its coming along great for my 1st vehicle





Yes I know the under belly has some green I'm not done with this guy just showing the wip. I bought some cool pigments from MIG not sure how to use them but I want to totally put black soot on the engines and Linked Lascannons, Plus some dirt and grime on the tracks :P I hope I don't jack them up.



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Some of my earlier works. Devastator Squad kinda crappy didn't do the best job with flash and those damn Missile launchers from Black reach squads just suck.



Devastator Squad




Combat Squad / 5 marines to fill into other squads



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  • 2 months later...









After a long time off since my Mail Man job has been crazy due to the holidays I finally have work being done to my army. Hope you like the early stages on all these.

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I love all of their books. Someone was so kind to scan Promethean Sun and drop box it for me and it has to be one of the better books! 120+ pages of pure burning those evil traitor marines. To be honest Vulkan model chose my love of the salamanders army.
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If you're still having trouble with decals, one thing I found from the model train set was to use decal emulsion to make the decal suck down. It doesn't work over all surfaces, though, because it makes a few pigments lift. I've had very little trouble with it other than that, and it can be easily corrected with a little white paint.


Good show on the salamanders.

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