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Icons of Chaos

Magnus Thane

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Been ages since I played CSM's but I'm slowly purchasing and collecting stuff to use for my post Dark Angels project... Night Lords.


And while browsing the interwebz for inspiration I noticed the Icons of Chaos seem to be getting into disuse?

Is this correct? And if so why? Are they too pricey or do a lot of people just skip on using them in lists and showing them in moddeling threads for fluff reasons?

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Night lords are a varied bunch. Some are hard liner types who eschew the chaos powers and look down on those who rely on them, others are full bore chaos worshipping lunies. Like most of the chaos legions (Word Bearers, Iron Warriors, and maybe Alpha Legion being the notable exceptions), they haven't exactly maintained much in the way of cohesive tone or organization over the centuries since the heresy.
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