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BA/SW Heresy


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So I know that some would consider it blasphemy to try this but I made a promise to some to not alter there army and I have been playing Blood Angels so long it is all I have now. Just with the introduction of the allies system I get the chance for playing other armies. I was wondering what people would think if I did a Lone Wolf but Blood Angels colors and instead of Fenresian Wolves following him it would be cybernetic Baal Scorpids? Just trying to get an idea of how far left field I maybe. I already play grey hunters painted as Blood Angels so I get away with the lone wolf alreay just wolves with blood angel terminator would not make sense.
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As long as you're happy with the models and its clear to your opponents what is what, I can see no problem with it. :lol:


Of course it is always a lot more clear to your opponents when your red painted BA tactical squad is a BA tactical squad and not a grey hunter squad. In a way you're proxying here. And personally I don't like proxys unless it is more or less 100% what they are.


When it is only one squad they have to remember that's fine I guess, but once it starts as "the tacticals are SW, the assaults are BA, the terminators are SW, the scouts are SW, the bikes are BA, ... and they are all painted red and I didn't use SW bits to mark those SW units, so you'll have to remember what I just said", well then I think you're pushing it.


So gamewise, yes if it is clear to your opponent, but don't try to push it.


Armylovewise, I think it is completely wrong to use BA Tactical marines as SW grey hunters. :tu: BA TM should have a chance on FC, and not on counterattack and wolf banners (which you'll probably rename Baal banners ^_^ ). Those GH rules don't fit BA. If you want SW rules, why don't you just paint some SW? It will be 100% clear to your opponent (no more proxys) and everything will fight as it looks. So not breaking any background. It just feels wrong to me. ;)


That's probably why I have both SW and BA, and not a lot of one proxying as both. Rules are of course important in WH40k, but I think using the rules of an army (at least for me) is only half the reason why I would want to play an army. Loving the models and the backgorund that comes along with those rules is the other half.


I wouldn't know what's wrong with allying BA with SW (they both fought more than once shoulder to shoulder). It would definitely feel more 'right' than using grey hunters disguised as BA tactical marines. But that's just me.


So go with the idea of using BA models for SW units if you want to (and it stays clear to your opponent), but using BA as SW feels like heresy :P , while allying with them only feels like a necessary temporary alliance. ;)




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Well the Grey Hunters are BA Tactical Marines but they are distinct between my standard Tactical Squad and the the Grey Hunters. I got a lot of flakk at first but it is kinda accepted now. I was wondering what people thought of using scorpids as my wolves.


The problem is that all I have are Blood Angels and collecting a second force is kinda out of reach right now and repainting them is just out of the question since in the current state they are sentimental.

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If you're using red Grey Hunters & red Lone Wolves then why not just use C:SW & say your wolves are red? Personally, I think if you take allies then they should be painted or modeled as standard GW or close enough to minimize your opponents confusion (WYSIWYG is important - nothing bugs me more than a 'flamer' IG Vet unit turning out to be a melta IG Vet unit!).


I'm all for conversions & unique armies etc & I think you can paint your guys whatever colours you want, but if you're mixing codex then it gets confusing.


Red Grey Hunters in a BA army = confusion.


Red Grey Hunters in a 'red' SW army = no problem.


- Dallas

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I was wondering what people would think if I did a Lone Wolf but Blood Angels colors and instead of Fenresian Wolves following him it would be cybernetic Baal Scorpids?

Quit walking on eggshells. This is awesome and we need more people doing creative things like this.

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