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The Iron Crusade of Lord Xanthan


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thanks to Captain Semper and the ETL competition, i have a completely painted chaos marine army. its only the basics at the moment, but when the new codex comes out i'll be looking to add new units then, although i'm trying to build up a custom built dready too, although its way off being finished yet. thought i'd post the pics up in their entirety. c&c welcome, as i'm looking forward to painting up new additions in the future.








they are (from top to bottom) my lord (fallen angel, former techmarine), sorceror (star scythes, renegade chapter), middle 2 are my chosen (mostly Iron Warriors but also another fallen angel and a star scythes apothecary), the 2 after that are a standard squad of iron warriors and the bottom pic is my berzerkers (star scythes chapter).

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