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A Stunning Realization


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Gentlemen, with the release of the new plastic Nurglings and Plague bearers, I just realized that 2 of the three Nurgle daemons look like Nurgle himself.

Not similar, EXACTLY THE SAME.

In earlier editions/releases, at least Nurglings represented aspects of the Plague Father (the old metal sculpts were pretty wacky). Now they just seem like clones, and rather lacking in, er, chaotic qualities.


Anyone else wish there was a little more visual variety/imagination among the followers of pestilence? Or should I just get over it and glory in all the myriad effigies of Nurgle running around?

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Yeah not a big fan of the new nurglings. I was expecting a lot more variety from them, but alas, I'll probably buy 1 or 2 of them as bits, and stick with my metal ones. The previous edition metal, and the mordheim nurglings, it seems, will be the pinnacle of nurgling technology. I'm really not even impressed by what FW puts out concerning them (outside of that little critter hugging the entrails of Scabiethrax, but that sculptor is gone I believe).
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I don't think that the new nurglings are terrible or they suck, their are just completely uninspiring in their uniformity.

I mean, shoot- Circus Nurgling, the li'l guys in the pic from your avatar have more character than all the new sculpts put together.

Cake would help to rectify the problem immensely.


I whole-heartedly agree on the mordheim nurglings; they were a lot of fun.

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I think it is primarily an issue of missing the theme.


The artwork for Nurglings and Plaguebearers that come to mind when I think of them, are the drawings where we see emaciated/ghoulish, one-horned & one-eyed creatures dragging/brandishing rusted/muck and fly-encrusted swords.


These news guys, they look like circus clowns with their silly grins and weird poses.

The Nurglings look like daemonic teddybears/fluff pets, instead of the wacky malicious meanies of old.


I don't doubt that a skilled hobbyist can convert them to look a lot better though.



My 2 Kraks

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Yeah my initial reaction to them was fairly negative. They look really cartoony. Really really cartoony. Perhaps it's a GW cycle of aiming at a younger audience which happens from time to time. For me it's irrelevant - I have 8 nurgling swarms from the previous two releases and 21 metal plaguebearers. I'll only consider buying another Nurgle Daemon right before they presumably release a piss poor GUO...
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The plague bearers they released are quite good, imo. Problem is, they don't really mesh with the previous metal ones, so I'm going to have trouble incorporating them into my current army.


But yeah, it is a problem, once again, of GW just not looking at the concept art that's been out for the last 15 years or so. Sure, these nurglings look a lot like the Rogue Trader artwork, from Lost and the Damned, and for that reason I wouldn't mind a couple that looked like that art, but really how many people have even seen that art? And they all look the same!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think what they missed was the whole 'diseased & rotten' aspect of the privious minitures (of nurgle itself!)

They did; IMO get the sizing better, it is a more substantial model. The scrabbling pile of nurglings looking for something to play with doe's come through.

With the new allies you'd be hard pressed not to have a demon sideboard with a couple of these fullas floating around.

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what they did was produce nurglechu, I'm tempted to paint one bright yellow just to prove the point (and then run it up to a necron holding a tesseract labyrinth, seriously, did they hire Satoshi Tajiri or something)


I think that we need a balance between the current and previous nurglings, these new sculpts show the jolly nature of Grandfather Nurgle's servants, but don't demonstrate the decay and disease enough, I would personally never think about using the previous models as is though, I thought they looked horrendous

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