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Furioso Slag

Brother Lorenzo

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Sweet Lord baby Sanguinius!


I took my drop pod Furioso with Blood Talons to my first proper game vs. SM (1k pt. level) and was so excited to mow up his beloved sniper scouts when the Furioso (aptly named "UMad?") stepped out of his pod, said "hi everybody! my nam---- aACCCKKkk" and promptly melted to some little meltagun...


Long story short, I lost an eighth of my army in literally less time than it took my dread to introduce himself to everyone.


How does one go about using a Furioso dread without losing it to a :lol: 10 pt. melta on the turn it arrives? I was thinking something upon the lines of engaging any in-range melta unit with a RAS and then using the dread to support, as I can't let a squad shoot me up like that when my list relies on the lawnmowin' talons of goodness to actually do work for me.





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I once droppoded my Furioso next to regular Orks (the heavy flamer was sadly enough not in range because of the deep strike roll of my pod). In the Ork's turn, his powerclaw with Furious charge destroyed my Furioso while the furioso itself only killed a couple of cheap orks. :lol: Killed by a regular Ork boss.


Since then I have started realising there are a lot of dangers outside there for your droppoding furioso. If it's a lascannon that destroys your furioso it isn't that bad as that's one less lascannon fireing at my other tanks, but a melta or a powerfist in close combat would not be used by my opponent in his first turn as they would not be in range of my army. So this is actually a free shot for a melta (that would otherwise not shoot at my army during turn 1).


This means that always try to deepstrike far enough away from melta and other dangerous close range weapons. It might be the smarter choice to upgrade your furioso to librarian and take wings and shield as powers than buying the droppod. This way he is still fast enough where you want him, but at least now he won't get shot that easily by short range weapons (having a coversave and being able to stay further away having more movement). Or droppod him somewhere no meltas are in range (even if this means you have to droppod him only half way the battlefield). There is no point in dropping him so close he'll get shot by a melta. Then you're better of dropping him out of range, even if this means he only will assault in turn 3.




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Pop smoke the turn you arrive. Only a 5+ cover save now but still better than nothing.

Exit the pod with your 6" move and put the pod between you and the melta threat. If the melta is in a standard infantry squad, you should be able to avoid it's 'half-range double dice AP melta roll'.

Without the extra dice from melta, S8 is going to need a 6 to pen, and you get the smoke save.


It would be hard to engage the unit with a RAS first, before the pod comes down on first turn. Unless, you have a second pod with infantry in it. Then you have the option of who shows up first turn, and who stays in reserves.

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Poor furioso just wants to be friends, Its not his fault no one wants to play with him because everyone he tries to hug turns into offal shortly afterwards :( (poor guy dosen't know his own strength)


Sweet Lord baby Sanguinius!


How does one go about using a Furioso dread without losing it to a :eek 10 pt. melta on the turn it arrives?


You kindof don't, i.e. landing within range of a meltagun or two that can shoot you before you charge is bad bad news for any dread, doubly so when its relying on getting a charge in next turn! If its a turn 1 drop its going to be very difficult to make it stick without 1 or 2 well placed units landing in pods alongside to shield him.



I was thinking something upon the lines of engaging any in-range melta unit with a RAS and then using the dread to support, as I can't let a squad shoot me up like that when my list relies on the lawnmowin' talons of goodness to actually do work for me.



If your going for a turn 2+ drop (i.e. something else in a pod eats the "drop pod assault" requirement for him so you can stay in reserve), this might work better. Tho you are likely going to rely on them using DOA to get where their needed in time (you could rush up the table with them but you'll often struggle to get close enough by turn 2). And the ASM can't assault the turn they do this so perhaps a nice shooty tactical squad or death company might work better?

Regardless you can get yourself a 5+ coversave from any of those interviening units at least, and it could make it very difficult or even impossible for the enemy to move into melta range (only 12"), or failing that atleast keep them out of that 6" when the 2d6 pen commes out to play. A melta at 6-12" is just a single s8 shot & more likely than not to not do much more than knock a hull point off of if anything (are you scared of a single krak missile?).

S8 vs av13 needs a 5 to glance and a 6 to pen, and frankly its only the penetrating hit that should worry you (due to ap1).


Your going to have to pick your spots with this tho, if the enemy can get more than 1 meltagun into range or they have some anti armour dev's with los the odds start to get much less favorable fast. But if its just 1 meltagun worrying you just keeping them out of 6" will do the trick far more oftent than not. (They have to hit and then roll a 6 to pen to cause you any real consternation, and theres the possibility of a 5+ cover save ontop of that)


Other prime alternatives that spring to mind:


Vanguard Vets: can arive pretty reliably on turn 2 and use heroic intervention to lock that nasty meltagun unit in CC for a turn while the dread stands around introducing himself and trying (unsucessfully) to make friends with everyone. Then turn after he can charge in for "hugs".


Deploy out of a stormraven: At this stage in 6th most armies are going to really struggle to put any real damage on a "zooming" flyer. So you can zoom up turn 1, take whatever fire commes your way, then switch to being a skimmer so the squad and dread inside can charge. You can hit almost anywhere on the table doing that, largely on your own terms but this will become less and less effective as AA weapons become more prevalent.


Deploy your furioso more with more caution out of the pod: Drop pods basically never misshap under normal circumstances (always reduce scatter to avoid impassible teerrain & enemy units), so you can slot him in somewhere out of range/los and move up in subsequent turns while the rest of your army is keeping the enemy busy. Then by turn 3 or 4 he can have waddled himself somewhere to support your by now stretched line later in the game. I sometimes use deathcompany like this, dropping them somewhere inthe midfield where they will be safe from most enemy shooting and walk up to join my drop troops by turn 3 or 4 (or lie in wait if the enemy wants to try and advance on the midfield). Not ideal for a tallon dread tho as the lack of long range shooting means he can contrubute little other than a deterrent untill he moves up.


Take a frag cannon & heavy flamer dread alongside: Frag dread parks next to the unit and unleashes 3 pretty respectable template attacks. You could easily be running 15-20+ hits with that if you get close, over half of which are rending (& ignore cover). That alone can absolutely maul many units and due to casualties being nearest to furthest & the meltaguns need to be near the front of the squad, stands a pretty good chance of taking the meltagun out before it gets to shoot. Even if it dosen't the enemy is often going to have a hard time prioritising a target, especially when they've just see what a frag cannon can do! (& if they do pop your tallon dread instead the frag furioso is still no slouch!)



^ Thats the main stuff that springs to mind now, tho I'm sure theres more...

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drop 2 tacs first turn, leave furioso for mop ups.

If there's one thing I've learned playing DoA in 5th it's that 2 meltas isn't enough.


That's why you should arm your Drop Pod Tacticals with Plasmaguns, Multi-Meltas and combi-Plasma/combi-melta sergeants. You drop down, you double-tap infantry, and threaten 24" armor.


You drop two of these and see if your fortunes improve.

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That's why you should arm your Drop Pod Tacticals with Plasmaguns, Multi-Meltas and combi-Plasma/combi-melta sergeants. You drop down, you double-tap infantry, and threaten 24" armor.


You drop two of these and see if your fortunes improve.


I was mostly concerned with de-meching or taking care of other AV targets. The first wave tends to be about that.

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We can't use them;

Page 32, Imperial Armor Apocalypse Second Edition.


"The Lucius Pattern Drop Pod may be purchased as a dedicated transport for any loyalist Dreadnought (including Contemptor Dreadnoughts) in Apocalypse games. Otherwise a Lucius Pattern Dreadnought Drop pod is a separate Fast Attack choice for either a Codex Space Marine, Codex Dark Angels, Codex Space Wolves or a Codex Black Templars army, and must be occupied by a single Dreadnought of any type from that army assigned to it before the game begins."


Last sentence of the page, "The rules presented here replace those in Imperial Armour Apocalypse II".

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