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Blood Angels descendant Chapter w/ List!


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Hello, I'm new to these boards and I'd like to get some feedback on what you all think of my Chapter and current army list.


Name: Angels Amaranth

Founding Chapter: Blood Angels

Founding: 22nd

Fortress Monastary: The Crimson Solace

Chapter Master: Airgahn Ferric, Herald of Fury

Speciality: Mechanized assaults

Battlecry: 'Cleanse with blade! Annoint in flame!'

Colours: Red and white, silver for veterans.


History: The Chapter was founded in M37, from the gene-seed of the Blood Drinkers. The Angels Amaranth were selected to be a fleet-based Chapter, and took the Battle-Barge The Crimson Solace as their home. They patrolled the fringes of Segmentum Solar, fending off Ork attacks for much of the millenium. They particularly aided worlds belonging to the Mechanicus, who they had rather strong ties to.


Time continued to pass in such a manner, very little affected the Angels Amaranth. That all changed in 745M41.


Near the end of Fortieth millenium, the entirety of the Chapter, under newly appointed Chapter Master Airgahn Ferric, was requested to engage the fledgling Ork empire of the Warboss 'Umiechuka. The empire spanned fourteen systems and threatened the Forge world of Furiar III. Such a vital manufacturing world, supplier of many Space Marine Chapters and several hundred worlds arround it, could not be lost. So Airgahn bade the most skilled tacticians aid him in bringing the Warboss low.


The Chapter, bolstered by several units from the Order of the Ardent Shroud of the Adepta Sororitas and the Skitarii Regiments of Furiar III, along with the Steel Sunderers Titan legio, led a campaign of power and rightous might into the heart of the Ork empire. This was to be called 'The Purging of Paroxis' after the planet on which the Warboss was brought to his knees by Chapter Master Airgahn.


In recognition of the victories against the Greenskins, the Mechanicus presented them with many technological gifts. But the cost in lives was high. Reduced to just three battle companies, the Angels Amaranth sought time to heal, seeking shelter upon Furiar III.




Alright, so there's the fluff, here's the list, my usual opponents are Orks and 'nids, both foot slogging hordes:




Captain: Power maul, Infernus pistol: 130


Honour guard: 4x Power mauls, Razorback, assault cannon:260


Reclusiarch: Infernus pistol:145


Reclusiarch: Infernus pistol: 145


Libby: TDA, SS: 145 (I just got him, any power suggestions?)




10x Assault Terminators: 10x THSS:450


Sanguinary Priest: TDA, pwer maul: 85


Sanguinary Priests: 3x Power weapons (Which ones?), 3x hand flamers:225


Sternguard: 5 guys, 5x combi-flamers: 150




Assault squad: flamer, hand flamer, power fist, razorback, assault cannons:195


Assault squad: flamer, hand flamer, power fist:195


Assault squad: 2 flamers, hand flamer, power fist, Rhino-275


Tactical squad: Heavy bolter, combi-plas, plas gun, Rhino:240


Fast attack:


Baal predator: Assault cannon, heavy bolters: 145


Baal predator: Assault cannon, heavy bolters: 145


Total: 2930


I am playing a 'nid player soon and I know he just bought a tervigon set, I don't know what he did. I just moved, so I know nothing about my opponent, and he knows nothing about me. I do know that I am the only BA player there and that he is expecting a DOA list. I know it is objective based (its a campaign) and I am the only person with a mech list. I just so happen to hope that my introduction of a mech list will be like introducing sharks into a local swimming bath... :cuss again, any help would be appreciated, whether on my chapter or my list, thank you.

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