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Flyers and reserves....


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SR can't be a dedicated transport, therefore anything you transport in the SR has to be balanced with a unit that starts on the board.


I'll need to review my rulebook when I'm at home but rounding up aren't you able to place that single unit in the Raven? If you had an IC, Death company and a dread however you'd be able to place 2 out of 3 into the raven? You can place 50 percent of your forces into reserves rounding UP.

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Yeah thats what I meant.

If you want everything off the board, there cant be anything inside the Raven, because anything inside the raven needs to be balanced by something on the board.



I wasnt sure if ravens AND pods needed balancing to be honest...

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Drop pod and anything it contains (units, ICs, dread, no matter if the pod is their dedicated transport or not) do not count because the pod has to enter by deep strike

Raven does not count because it is a flyer.


Any unit you want to put in the Raven counts towards the 50% limit as the raven does not have to enter by deep strike, only to start in reserve.

NOTE: Since a Raven is not a dedicated transport, the debate on whether a dedicated transport flyer makes the unit it contains not count does not apply. Phew...


So if you want pods + 1 raven with dread and unit in it, you also need one unit on the ground. That gives you 3 units that count (Dread and unit in raven + unit on the ground), which when halved (rounded up) allows you 2 starting in reserve. Similarly, pods + 2 full ravens require 3 units on the ground since 4 units in ravens + 3 on the ground = 7, 7/2 (rounded up) = 4 allowed in reserve.


Even with 1 unit and rounding up?


Good catch! Pods + ravens (however many) and 1 unit in a raven also works, since 1 in reserve + 0 deployed = 1, 1/2 (rounded up) = 1 allowed in reserve.

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Units deploying in the Ravens count toward your deployment minimum which is why the ravens would have to be empty

No not empty, just 1 unit. Arthanor explained it perfectly.


But if the enemy gets first turn, at the end of their turn, they win since you don't have any units on the board...




No, it specifically says game turn.

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Otherwise, just run all your troops and dreads in drop pods and just reserve the SR's as gunships. It still gives you the ability to "DOA" just without the Descent of Angels rule. Drop pods are pretty safe for getting your guys where you want them, even more now that you disembark up to 6". You can have your whole squad jump out right where you want them for max firepower.


The only drawback is that you have to wait until at least turn 2 before the flyers begin to show up.


I'm thinking something like:


5 drop pods, carrying a mix of RAS, DC, and Tac Squads, plus DC dread.

2 Stormravens

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