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As a chaos player, my GK codex has been getting even less love than my tyranid codex. So the question is, to what degree could I use the GK codex to represent chaotic peoples for my allies division? As an Alpha, there is no trouble with me taking Inquisitor and co., but could I use GK rules to represent the elite of the elite within my warband? These are, after all, the very best of a large group of space marines who have been fighting daemons for ten thousand years and who don't have Girlyman and the Admech restricting their tech etc.


Would it be within the bounds of fluff to do this, with a few provisos such as no named characters or dreadknights. If so, what should those be? Thanks, Orlunu.


PS. Whilst I do enjoy the theory that the Grey Knights are a construct of the Alpha Legion, and that that is why none of them have ever fallen to chaos, I don't think that it is cannon. Therefore I shall be avoiding it :unsure:

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Fluff-wise : Grey Knights are clearly the tools of the Ruinous Powers, as evidenced by their use of blood-sacrifice rituals.

RAW-wise : Grey Knights and Chaos Space Marines are "Come the Apocalypse" Allies, so Apocalypse games only.

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Fluff-wise : Grey Knights are clearly the tools of the Ruinous Powers, as evidenced by their use of blood-sacrifice rituals.

RAW-wise : Grey Knights and Chaos Space Marines are "Come the Apocalypse" Allies, so Apocalypse games only.



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Thanks, Apoc. only is fine, I was mostly wondering whether people would protest at me using chaosy models with their rules. Glad other people realise the GKs' true allegiance too. :unsure:
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Grey Knights cannot ally with Chaos. Ever. So there is no way of using models with GK rules allied with your CSM.


You could use the GK terminators as chaos terminators, though.


Not what he was asking.


I wouldn't see a problem with using them, only problem I'd see was explaining their force weapons.

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Grey Knights cannot ally with Chaos. Ever. So there is no way of using models with GK rules allied with your CSM.


You could use the GK terminators as chaos terminators, though.


Not what he was asking.


I wouldn't see a problem with using them, only problem I'd see was explaining their force weapons.


"So the question is, to what degree could I use the GK codex to represent chaotic peoples for my allies division?"


Seems to be exactly what he was asking, there was no mention of apocalypse in the OP, just whether you can use GK as allies to CSM.


Using chaos models with GK rules is ok in apocalypse, but as I said, you cannot use models with GK rules allied to your CSM marines in a regular game.

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Can you even do "counts as" with allies??! That sounds a little bit... weird/broken/more wrong that sleeping with your sister... Choose one. I don't mind which.
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Using chaos models with GK rules is ok in apocalypse, but as I said, you cannot use models with GK rules allied to your CSM marines in a regular game.


Question answered, sorry about the confusion my question caused. However, a large part of it was asking opinions rather than just RAW, and I think that "more wrong than sleeping with your sister" means that opinion may be against it. <_<

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What's wrong with sleeping with your Sisters? Sometimes there just aren't enough beds... :whistling:

I think it's the prays to the Emperor that get me. It's distracting...

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What's wrong with sleeping with your Sisters? Sometimes there just aren't enough beds... ;)

I think it's the prays to the Emperor that get me. It's distracting...


Never felt so uncomfortable on a forum... And I live in the country.


And on the traitor guard, that's one thing. That could just be "Guard that have sided with Chaos" which is how I deemed the alliance process in the BYB. Using the Eldar Codex for some sort of "counts as Daemons" or such seems slightly peculiar to me.

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Yep, I was just asking whether people would think of me using the rules of one lot of dead 'ard daemon bashing veteran SMs to represent another lot of the same as a "traitor guard" or an "eldar daemons" idea.


Those were lesbian jokes? I thought that they just had to share beds because Miko's convent was too small! :o And about nuns, the innocent of the innocent, too. I may be scarred for life. :P

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