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So, magnets


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Looks like youve already got your stuff ordered and all but what I do is this: buy magcraft 1/16 x 1/32 magnets. I bought a GW pin drill a while ago and dewalt makes a titanium drill bit that is just the right size for these magnets (I'm sure there are other ones out there these are just the ones I use), the 1/16 size bit. I drill a small hole into the back of the marine just above the bulb for the backpack and one right above that hole in the normal backpack, gotta be careful though, I have drilled right through the backpack before ;>.>. For the JP I usually just fill it with green stuff and put the magnet in there. Usually works pretty good and the great thing about these magnets is that I've had a lot of success magnetizing arms for different weapon options on marines and dark eldar warriors/wyches.
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Have ordered several times from K&J and can also endorse them.


For magnetizing JPs/BPs, here is my method:

1. Drill out hole on the back of the marine just above the protrusion that goes into the BP/JP. I'm in the US and usually use 1/16" diameter, 1/32" thick cylindrical or disk magnet. So that's a 1/16" drill bit in a pin vice. Nice control. I'd say start about 1/32" above the protrusion. Set a magnet in the hole.

2. For backpack, do the same 1/32" above the hole where the protrusion would sit. Good to go there.

3. Jump packs are trickier as the holes are too big. Fill in the big hole with greenstuff such that only the protrusion fits in. Essentially, create the sort of hole that a standard backpack has. Let dry.

4. You can then follow step 2 as if the JP were a standard BP.


I like this method as using the protrusion helps with stability. The magnet only provides pull. This makes it easier to achieve alignment. When I've cut off the protrusion and filled the holes with magnets, it's hard to keep the JP/BP straight up and down.


Note. It really helps to keep your magnets polarity straight. Here is a tip. When you get a set of magnets, go through and mark all positive (or negative, doesn't matter as long as consistent) sides. I use a sharpie to do this and move magnets to the end of the line as marked. At that point, all magnets have a silver (unmarked) end and a black (marked) end. No matter what the use, the black side faces toward the center of the marine and the silver to the outside. If kept consistent you will never glue a magnet in with the wrong polarity and end up repelling rather than attracting pieces.


Just one man's tips.

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I try not to use anything smaller than 1/8" by 1/16" disc magnet, anything else isn't powerful enough to hold securely. For smaller magnets, the smallest accidental brush against the magnetized piece will send it to the floor. I use amazingmagnets.com. Make sure they are magnetized AXIALLY (either flat edge is a pole) and not diametrically (the round side edges are the poles).


Also when magnetizing, make sure you have at least 2-3 points of contact where they are glued to the piece because the magnets can be stronger than a single point of contact. Drilling a perfect sized hole into the plastic for the magnet is ideal because it has the flat edge contacting with glue as well as the entire diameter edge.

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Four flamer marines, four regular back packs and four jump packs all magnetised


Lost two magnets to super glue, and four more to "whoops the holes to big and I cant keep one straight, argh, I' getting stuck, just do something quick"


But not a bad morning all in all :)


Could do with finding a smaller drill bit, just been going straight in at 3mm, should probably drill a 1mm pilot first

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