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Looked but didn't see anything like this on the last couple pages of the forums. I liked the idea of the stormraven when I read about it when the dex first came out, wasn't a fan of the model but it has grown on me, The real question is how is everyone kitting theirs out? I prefer TL lascannon and multi melta and that's about it. I'm not a big fan of a great many points starting out off table so I don't put a lot of points in them. Also I like the lascannon and multi melta upgrade because, well, AP 2 to be honest. I never put hurricane bolters on mine, just dont like the idea. What about everyone else, how do you run it and have you had success if you run hurrican bolters?
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I usually fire the multimelter at some vehicle with POTMS and use the assault cannon and hurricane sponsons for anti-infantry. 12 twin-linked bolter shots put on some real hurt on almost anything, I can tell you. I feel the sponsons are quite underrated nowadays, and since you don't have to add the extra armor anymore, the raven doesn't cost that much more than in 5th.
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The more weapons the better. I generally run it as an anti-vehicle/flyer gunship and transport non essential personell in it (maybe a small 5 man tactical squad to plop on an objective?). I give it multi-melta, TL lascannons, and the hurricane sponsons. Remember, in 6th, weapon destroyed is now random, so the more weapons you have the less chance a weapon you critically use will get destroyed. I also no longer pay for extra armour as well. I do run stormshield termies in my army, so sometimes I'll put a locator beacon on my stormraven so I can zoom it in close to the enemy and they can teleport in (if the reserve dice roll gods are kind to me). You can still teleport them in while its in zoom mode.


The Stormraven is FAR more survivable in 6th edition. In 5th it always died in the first turn or two, but now its survived to the end of every 6th edition game I've played (about a dozen games).


Depending on who I'm facing I'll swap out with a land raider crusader/redeemer (ie. more infantry, less flyer focused enemy), but my Stormraven is now my go to vehicle/flyer.

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Last ed

plasma and melta, just swapped out the plasma for asscannons in sixth


no upgrades or cargo, reserves are way too risky to make it viable.


Now i have magnets, i might add the hurricanes, but can't imagine using them


Hurricane Bolters are good. I run AssCannon, MM & HBs. Turn 2 it zooms on & likely fires 3 BS missiles (POTMS), AssCannon & MM at an enemy flyer/tank. Turn 3 switch to Hover to unload DC/Termies. Turn 4+ shoot stuff up. HBs are great for sheer weight of fire. Love them!


- Dallas

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TLLC, TLMM (& 4x Missiles obviously, which pair best with TLLC for range reasons-- yah you are mobile and a flyer, but why fly into range needlessly?)


I disagree with the TLAC and/or Hurricanes approach. BA lists usually have more than ample anti-light&medium infantry power. What we struggle with is anti-heavy infantry, (ranged) anti-heavy tank, and sometimes anti-monstrous creatures.


TLLC-TLMM goes a long way to answering these problems, and it's also base-cost. Yah you can 'fish' for rending or you can get one solid hit you know will wound with AP1-2.


EVEN if you double-tap the Hurricanes onto MEQ (that's 12 rerollable shots), you only kill 1.77 Marines. So you have to do it minimum of ~twice just to make back its points. I'm under-impressed, but call me jaded. I suppose if you get lucky and kill even one TEQ using them then they could earn back their pts. Meh. LOL


TLAC can be takeable, versus the TLLC-- there are situations and army-builds that could benefit from it more. But unless I know I will be fighting foot-IG or foot-Xenos, I will never ever take the Hurricane sponsons.

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