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Making washes less glossy

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I've bought some citadel brand shades for my Imperial Guard army, and I'm surprised to find that they leave a very glossy effect over everything I use them on. Is there some way to avoid this? I want to use Agrax Earthshade for my leathers, and Nuln Oil for my metals, but I don't want backpacks having a mirror shine. Has anyone else encountered this problem? Is there some known way to apply them which avoids this effect?


Or, on the other hand, is there any way I can "flatten out" or dull part of a model that's glossy? I ask, because I like to apply transfers and cement them with a decal set, but this also leaves a somewhat glossy finish on an otherwise flat model.


Thanks in advance> I'm hoping the illustrious B&C community can help me out.

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The washes are actually all flat finish. It probably is that you didn't mix it up enough. Before use, be sure to give it a good shaking, just like any other paint. When it sits too long, the parts of the wash separate, making it glossier than normal.


Failing that, get some Lahmian Medium. That'll give it a flat finish. Failing that too, go with any other company's flat coat.

You can add matt medium to paint to take away the shine. You can paint over already shiney areas with matt varnish (I also do it with thinned down matt medium so either should work, just the varnish will add protection). Vallejo makes both, I am not sure about other companies but I know several make them.
Thanks for the help guys. Went out and bought some Matte Varnish and I'll give it a try tonight.


If that's a spray can, be sure to give it a good shake (and I mean a GOOD one - like 2-3 minutes until the can does not feel cold after shaking) - or else we will soon hear from You again in this forum: "I sprayed my minis with antishine, now they are all frosty, why and what to do/what to do".


Been there, done that, got that frosty finish :( Don't say, I did not warn You :)


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