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Under a Chaotic Stom


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Morning renegades and traitors,


Let me explain my situation briefly, I can't choose the colors of my remaining models. This question leads directly to the identity of my warband. Who are they, What do I want them to be, What do I like. But as I'm torn between the Alpha Legion and Night Lords Legions.


Actually, I've only painted my Metal models. Yes, they may not be the easier ones, they may not be the quickier to paint. But with Acetone it's easy to remove the paint without any damage.


Those are actually painted as Night Lords (or close to be finished).


Rule wise, what do I want to play ?

  • A quickly moving and elite force (If I would be playing Loyalist, that would be the Scars without any ambiguity), so I picked 4 Rhinos chassis (everyone said a Rhino borne force were quick, they were wrong anything slower than Rhinos is slow),
  • Overwhelming attacks ... coming from all angles ! And that's what mobility is for !
  • Raptors
  • shooting Chosen

(a loosy army isn't it ?, but most of the playgroup plays "fun" armies)


So the NL is fitting, isn't it ? Not that much :

  • I fear the upcoming codex : Undivided don't seem to get some love
  • I fear my army to loose his uniqueness : many incoming players would choose NL (thank ADB for his trilogy),
  • I'm tempted to paint AL, I've never seen anyone playing those.

So, what would you do ? What's your advices ? Should I repaint in AL ?

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I think you'll see a fair number of people doing Alpha Legion given the large cultist component in the upcoming box set, plus the easy enough paint scheme (dark blue spray, ink, blue line highlight, bright green decor).


As for playing a quick, mechanized strike force supported by Raptors? That's Night Lords, but could be any CSM force if you wanted.


My vote is go for what gets you excited about painting--what paint scheme can your carry through various models. Do you like diversity in paint task? If so, then maybe go for Alpha Legion as you can do different groups of cultists differently. Are you good with painting the same on every model, and/or do you like highlighting blue to white for lighting bolts? If so, then Night Lords carry the day.



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A wild option C appears:




That's right, Black Legion! Aggressive Style? Overwhelming Assault? Horus's legion invented the spear tip! Elite army? No one's more Elite than the warriors of the Warmaster himself! You want chosen? Rumor is Abaddon makes them troops. You want to strike terror into the hearts of your enemies? It's not the Night Lords who keep the petty Terran Bureaucrats up at night. And Abaddon's done more harm to the imperium with his direct assaults than the Alpha Legion's done with a thousand years of skulking in the shadows. Chaos marines aren't 8 foot giants that lesser men fear and the daemons of the warp cower behind so they can hide from battle like cowards.


Not convinced? Still think those other Legions are great? Fine, you win, so do I. You like Alpha Legionnaires? Great, Black Legion has plenty of them. Night Lords? Hah, there's probably more Night Lords wearing black than in their own colors at this point! Play them both at the same time, via a mixed company of former Night Lords and Alpha Legion who have joined the Black Legion! Abaddon doesn't care about your geneseed, he cares about your hatred!




we are returned



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Sounds Night Lords to me, and I'm an Alpha. But go with whichever Legion floats your boat fluff wise. Apart from Black Legion, for the sake of my sanity, please don't make the smurfs of chaos even larger. :woot:
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How about a mix of both? Create your own warband, formed from an alliance of two bands of Night Lords and Alpha Legion. Remember, the Legions aren't organised forces anymore, they're all scattered bands of warriors with various levels of allegiance to their old Legion.
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