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I am so totally not into those Necromunda gangers Cultists.


The Chaos Lord and Chosen on the other hand... :P

I completely agree with you there Nihm, on both points. The Cultists will be kit-bashed with some Chaos Marauders, me thinks :P



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I am so totally not into those Necromunda gangers Cultists.


The Chaos Lord and Chosen on the other hand... :P


Ugh...The models look so good i am going to have to pick some up. I will never use them as Chosen, no matter how good they are in the rules, since i use so many Terminators or Possessed, but i could use them as my Aspiring Champions in my CSM units. Right now ALL of my Champs are modeled with Power Fists, i could get a few with the Maul and a few with the Lightning Claws (if the new CSM Champs can have duel claws) and use those when i dont take fists.

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Beautiful. Fearsome.


They are eyesome. My previous chosen pales in comparison. A little bit too much mutated for my tastes, but it'll do.


And that Chaos lord ! Man, I hope I can give him a Jump Pack easily. And that's one hell of Daemon Sword (well, I prefer it to be a Daemon Sword due to its size).


Each can be Aspiring, Chosen, Lieuts or even Lord !

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I am so totally not into those Necromunda gangers Cultists.


The Chaos Lord and Chosen on the other hand... :)


I do really like them, the Necromunda influences are pretty clear, but that makes the models really appealing to me.


The Chosen are awesome.


The Chaos Lord... Don't know, not fond of him. Static as hell, a sword ridiculously huge... No thanks.


The DA stuff feels a bit Meh to me, minus the ravenwing, pretty dynamic.

In the end : Chosen and Cultists : YEAH

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They all look pretty freaking awesome to me. I didn't think the hellbrute would have much of a chance unseating my Forge World dread, but now I don't know. The rest is fantastic - the cultists are exactly what I wanted, the chosen superb. Yeah, that's one hell of a set. Any word on price yet?
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Dear Gods, I must have this. The Chaos models are perfect for my warband, given their reliance on daemonic pacts/possession, and their use of Cultists. Sure, the Lord looks a little static, but he looks intimidating, which is what they seemed to be going for, rather than "in the middle of hacking someone apart". The Helbrute in particular is all different kinds of awesomeness.
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Those cultists... some of them have potential, the rest will need some surgery or may slowly gravitate towards the back of my desk and into oblivion.

I can't wait to see how the hellbrute's arm comes together because I think a double armed one would look mighty beasty :)

Chosen are pretty sexy as well... I'll wait to see what the DA codex has in store before I decide whether or not to part with the rest

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The Chaos Lord... Don't know, not fond of him. Static as hell, a sword ridiculously huge... No thanks.


I'm thinking that if you swap out the sword with a Standard, he'd make a friggin' sweet banner bearer / Icon bearer.


Gods, I am so psyched for the Lord and the Chosen. Midnight Clad is gonna look beauitful on these monsters. :(

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Butcher Cannons on the Hellbrute? Can you say Hells Yeah!!?!!


Now to find a way to convert them magnetically. Hoping that there will be a second kit for them as they are gonna be to popular not to be used if they don't have the crazed rules bs that our dreds have. i mean hell, if Bjorn doesn't go crazy and shoot up blood claws why should our dreds have to do it??


Trying to sell my soul so I don't miss out on the exclusive....otherwise I wait a week and pray there are some left then....



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Liking the hellbrute. Not so bothered by the cultists but I wouldn't use them anyway


I just hope that it has/can be upgraded to have FA of 13. Same goes with the defiler.


Regarding the contents of the box, first thing comes to mind is how to convert those models to fit my Blood Angels and Iron Warriors. DA will be easy to convert to BA, simple greenstuff turning those swords into blood drops.

Now the Chaos on the other would be harder to convert into an Iron Warrior themed army. The Chaos Lord, I would just chop of the horns and it would fit right in. For the Hell Brute shave off the eyes and the tentacles. For the Cultist and Chosen....... I might have to make a new warband for them XD.

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AP3 flamer, twice. I think that my fortunes vs SM just changed. And multi-melta + melta vs IG armour. Double reaper arm ... Butcher cannon, how many of these can I put in my army?


Cultists aren't going to see the light of day though :D


And sooo many Fallen and chosen *squee*

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