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That Hellbeast thingy gave me a weird boner, and I love the chosen guys, the lord looks totally bad ass and the cultists look mean, even though they look more like underhive dregs than actual cultists. And I'll use the DA terminators to make some more obliterators.


And i don't friggin care if the rules make them suck!

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even though they look more like underhive dregs than actual cultists.


There's a difference? Chaos cultists aren't exactly supposed to be the most obvious of individuals, given that the vast majority of them come from Imperial planets, and most of them don't have abundant resources to draw on, as most Chaos cults tend to draw in the down-trodden and oppressed. Underhive dregs are exactly what Chaos cultists are. Each of them has an 8-pointed pendant around their necks, with the occasional branded star. Thats really as obvious as a cultist would come.

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even though they look more like underhive dregs than actual cultists.


There's a difference? Chaos cultists aren't exactly supposed to be the most obvious of individuals, given that the vast majority of them come from Imperial planets, and most of them don't have abundant resources to draw on, as most Chaos cults tend to draw in the down-trodden and oppressed. Underhive dregs are exactly what Chaos cultists are. Each of them has an 8-pointed pendant around their necks, with the occasional branded star. Thats really as obvious as a cultist would come.


I'm aware, but i had hoped for a more of.. i dunno... an Empire Flagellant look maybe.. or Ku Klux Klan robed weirdoes with torches and guns...

Still i'm not disappointed. I love them and will fill them out with some Catachan Jungle fighters/Marauders.

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Eh, anyone who doesn't want their Cultists can send them my way.

Amen to that. I'm hoping that a bunch of players are unhappy with the cultists and try to unload them cheap on ebay, or trade them away at the local store.


I'm currently nursing visions of an almost LatD style army, with an elite core of Abaddon, terminators, & troop chosen, with the bulk of the force filled out by cultists, allied daemons, & daemon engines, and these cultists look exactly like what I wanted for the fodder.

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even though they look more like underhive dregs than actual cultists.


There's a difference? Chaos cultists aren't exactly supposed to be the most obvious of individuals, given that the vast majority of them come from Imperial planets, and most of them don't have abundant resources to draw on, as most Chaos cults tend to draw in the down-trodden and oppressed. Underhive dregs are exactly what Chaos cultists are. Each of them has an 8-pointed pendant around their necks, with the occasional branded star. Thats really as obvious as a cultist would come.


I'm aware, but i had hoped for a more of.. i dunno... an Empire Flagellant look maybe.. or Ku Klux Klan robed weirdoes with torches and guns...

Still i'm not disappointed. I love them and will fill them out with some Catachan Jungle fighters/Marauders.


I can kinda agree, but there's enough of that already to satisfy me. Some of the pistol cultists have their mouths stitched shut, many have runes branded into them, the ccw Champion looks like he's got a Redemptionist style mask, the heavy weapons guys look like they've got butchers aprons on, etc. To me, they're a perfect half-way point between the FW Cultist models and some modern-style Necromunda models. I'm definitely buying at least one set of them.


I'm currently nursing visions of an almost LatD style army, with an elite core of Abaddon, terminators, & troop chosen, with the bulk of the force filled out by cultists, allied daemons, & daemon engines, and these cultists look exactly like what I wanted for the fodder.


Hell, it's absolutely perfect for my planned army. I'd been planning an army of Slaaneshi Iron Warriors, who make extensive use of daemonic pacts to make up for their small numbers, and their leader is an incredibly powerful telepath, controlling masses of enslaved cultists. Now, I'm getting a starter set including very highly corrupted looking Astartes, a warped Dreadnought-thing, and 20 cultists. It's better than I ever could have imagined. Now I just need to convert up some Possessed with what I've currently got, and plan a new version of my Sorceror-Lord, as his current version isn't what I'd planned...

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I have a bunch of fantasy marauders, guardsmen, and dark angel bits laying around to help spruce up the cultists.


I think I'll be able to build my Fallen Angels army from just one box. Nah, better get two boxes just to be sure.


Now if a Chaos codex shows up soon, I'll be able to really plan.

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I really dig the cultists, and can see scope for so many kitbashes that will be very different and cohesive at the same time, I can't wait. A coven of robe wearing ritual cultists? Flagellants plus cultists, check. Barbaric savages worshipping the old gods? Marauders plus cultists, check. Traitor guard? Guard plus cultists, check. Slaves forced to their master's whims and driven to chaos by force? Cultists as they are, mix in some old necromunda cawdor and redemptionists tontaaste, check. A population secretly given over to chaos in it's many varied forms? Add all the above together and away you go!


The chosen are nice will work nicely as chaampions or as is I'll probably use them as champions as I have some kitbashed ones I'm quite pleased with.


Hellbrute? Not that keen on the name but the model looks cool, hope we get to keep dreads as well though, although I guess a "counts as hellbrute" dreadnought would be a common sight otherwise especially with all the forgeworld dreads out there.


Lord is a chaos lord, he's quite nice if you're not big on making your characters your own, maybe a weapon swap and he'd be an over the top havok champion, just because of the pose really.


I hope there are some robed dark angels in there, we like a good robe in the word bearers you know?


Shame the bikes went to the imperials, although I do have a fondness for the unpopular chaos bike we have currently, I've certainly built enough of them!

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I hope there are some robed dark angels in there, we like a good robe in the word bearers you know?


The Librarian and Chaplain would do well enough, and maybe the TAC Sgt, although he's wearing more of a tabard than a robe.


Fortunately, there is always the DA upgrade sprue for some robed bodies, sold seperately of course.

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I'll be ripping off that multi-melta and attaching the "reaper" from the defiler...it's a Butcher Cannon anyway if you compare it to the "official" FW models...
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