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Can this work?

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Depends what you mean by 'fake'.


Could a properly motivated Alpha Legion warband repaint their armour and pose as loyalists for the duration of a campaign? Yes, probably.


Could a Khornate Warband of Blood and Doom and Berserkers glue tears to their shoulderpads and pretend to be Blood Angels? Not by-our-Lady likely.

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Many of us where refused when we were using CSM figurines playing under SW/BA codex. I think that if you choose the same way, some may argue with you. That can work, it did in some books. On TT, it depends.
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Certainly. The galaxy is a vast place, and most of the Imperium's citizens have never seen an astartes, let alone what know what particular chapter colors look like.


Also, given the size of the Imperium, if an Alpha Legion strike force wanted to impersonate a loyalist chapter in order to bypass defenses and conduct a raid, I am sure verifying their credentials would be unpractical for the governor. Are you going to ask the hulking super soldier for his papers?


Of course, fooling the local PDF is all well and good, but deceiving a real loyalist chapter or the Ordos is another matter . . .

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I think so, depending on where they did it and for how long. I think for most of the galaxy a large warship showing up unannounced would be scary even if they were transmitting a friendly flag. Even once you found out they were loyalist Astartes a planetary governor might start worrying about maybe he did something wrong, what did he overlook, why were they here? Astropathic confirmation might take days, weeks, months, never come, so I think it would be a tense situation until that governor or commander was staring face to face at, say, an Ultramarine captain or somebody else from a well known or legendary chapter.


A well executed subterfuge might sail in-system, take on supplies, and disappear into the warp given the right circumstances.


A different well executed subterfuge might sail in-system, dock to take on supplies, offer to assist when riots broke out, help investigate when chaos cultists were discovered working with the rioters, assume command when full scale civil war broke out, announce total control of the planet once the governor and high ranking military commanders were assassinated by the rebels, institute radical reforms of the Ecclesiarchy to combat the rampant heresy instigated by the war, and then disappear with most of the planet's material resources and a host of new servants just before an Imperial fleet arrives to investigate why tithes have stopped and astropathic communication has been refused only to find the system a flaming ruin, the citizens practicing rituals to the Ruinous Powers, and the capital city covered in graffiti declaring "Alpharius Rules, OK?"

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i'm fairly sure one of the blood raven books (ascension) mentions alpha legionnaires that parade as ultramarines to gain access to a relic. they got found out and bombarded to :): but i'm fairly sure if they were just generally doing a 'sweep' operation they could pull it off. sometimes, i'd imagine they wouldn't even have to hide any horns on their helmets or general swirliness of their armour depending on where in the galaxy they were.
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My Alphas keep a few suits of smurf armour for such uses as requisitioning from forge worlds, infiltration and just messing with people's heads. Essentially doing as -Max- said. One of their greatest aims is to pop a GK and take his gear. :o


*Crack of a teleporter*

Ensign: "Grey Knight on the bridge." *whimper*

GK: "Admiral, the foul powers of the warp have corrupted the Ultramarine force, we must destroy them before the taint spreads."

Admiral: "Corrupted? But they were just visiting their chapter master in one of the hospitals on the surface!"

GK: "Are you refusing to fight the heretic? The Inquisition shall take great interest in that, collaborator."

Admiral: "Argh! All batteries, prepare for orbital bombardment!"



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