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The landspeeder cruised cautiously through the shattered buildings and rubble-choked streets of the industrial district, taking care never to rise above the gutted manufactoria and so present a clear target. This sector of the city had seen hard, vicious, unrelenting combat between loyalist and traitor for months now with everything reduced to mutual slaughter – the tally of which rose every hour for both sides in a conflict which had spread like a stain throughout the continent and turned everything it touched into blood-smeared ruin.


A ghost of movement to the left saw the pilot bring the speeder to a walking pace whilst the gunner swung the heavy bolter, tracing the muzzle over a shattered store front. He had claimed four lives already this day and, gods willing, there would be more. An impatient flick of the wrist commanded his pilot to halt the machine behind a stunted wall. Now there was movement to the right as well! He spat a curse on the realisation that he couldn’t traverse far enough, freed his straps, stood in the now wildly bobbing craft and yanked his weapon from it’s mount as the bare-headed pilot fought to regain control, cursing in turn at such impetuousness.


The gunner never saw the shot, never heard it, never registered that they were under attack until the pilot’s warp-tainted brain spattered over his desecrated plate and by then it was already too late.


The scout sergeant grunted with satisfaction as the once-pristine attack craft rose skywards before auguring into the splintered roadway, scattering debris and body parts in all directions. Lowering his rifle he turned to those gathered expectantly behind him.


‘Rule number 1, children; on the day you are given your power armour it comes with a helmet. Wear it.’

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It's just as an ex-trooper I find it hard to imagine why anyone would go into a warzone without a proper lid...


"Hey, look at me! An 8 foot tall metahuman clad all over in 2 inches of plasteel and ceramite!

..... except my head. Don't shoot me there, please."


Errrrr..... :rolleyes:

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