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Most hated Warband?

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So to the fluff/bad novels/codexes, which Warband exceeds at pissing everyone off? I'm rather curious as it loops between several Legions and a handful of Warbands, to the Fallen?


Which one is the most ruthlessly disliked, even among other Traitor Marines?

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Angsty smelly bunny boys with no social skills. At least Papa Nurgle's boys have a sense of humour, you can bet your life that the Slaaneshis will be doing something fun, and Rubrics, well they are basically furniture in their time off (with the exception of a few doors furniture tends not to get me too worked up). Living with a berzerker would be like living with an extreme gamer on a losing streak, but with a chainaxe and a keyboard smash capable of breaching the hull and explosively depressurising your room.


If you mean in the more general sense, like everyone likes to bash a smurf, well we have some fairly obvious Mary Sued smurfoform marines of our own, note the Black Legion codex we will hopefully be dropping soon. I can picture many a loyalist to their original legion/chapter excommunicate muttering rude words about the boys in black over barrels of nicked Fenrisian ale.

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in an oh crap here they come again, the boys in red, world eaters, specially kharns, just for the laughing your head off part.


in the getting peeved of cause i dont know what they are doing, alpha legion. they are pretty much the chaos version of the inquisition, because noone suspects the inquisition... for the false emperor.

then again for some itll be personal, as some hate people others like. like the wolves hate the thousand sons, blood angels(and tbh a lot of others) hate the black legion. depends on the point of view.

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Meh, power struggles are rife amongst the Chaosy types. My non-worshiping AL love the Sons of M=][=DELETED BY THE INQUISITION=][=, they are free zealous cannon fodder to point at my competitors.
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To everyone other than the Traitor Legions, it's definitely the Black Legion. After all, they're led by Abaddon, the literal anti-Christ of the 40k universe, have led at least 13 Black Crusades into the Imperium, and are the remnants of the Luna Wolves, the Legion of Horus himself. If any Chaos force embodies the Long War, it's them.


To the Traitor Legions, I could see there being some hatred, behind copious amounts of grudging respect and fear, of the Black Legion, as they're the ones who failed everyone during the Horus Heresy. "Horus was weak, Horus was a fool" and all that. You've also got the many wars the Luna Wolves took part in in the immediate aftermath of the Heresy against the other Legions that left them absolutely shattered as a fighting force. If it weren't for Abaddon, what is now the Black Legion would not exist in any form. He brought them back from the brink and saved them from extinction.

Other than that, whoever is currently opposing you for resources/favour. None of the other Legions/warbands have really done anything to earn widespread hatred just on principle. The Alpha Legion may be mistrusted, and they might keep their distance from the World Eaters, but I don't see it reaching the levels of actual hatred.

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I'd think it would be the emperors children, not only were they preening egotists pre heresy, bit they kicked off the wars in the eye by trying to steal everyone else's slaves.


That was my first thought as well.

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I'd think it would be the emperors children, not only were they preening egotists pre heresy, bit they kicked off the wars in the eye by trying to steal everyone else's slaves.


This is what my first impression was. So much that the EC were nearly destroyed like the Black Legion.

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imperial fists will say iron warriors.

space wolves will say thousand sons

many worlds that have falllen because of the undermining of their planets by the alpha legion will say them( and they arnt as limited to the eye of terror that many are)

those planets hit by their viruses will say death guard

etc etc etc...

it wil all be point of view. over all given the greatest disturbances it probably boils down to black legion as they are capable( or rather abbadon) of uniting many chaos war bands to make simultaneous strikes against the imperium causing more damage than any one legion could ever inflict...

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So to the fluff/bad novels/codexes, which Warband exceeds at pissing everyone off? I'm rather curious as it loops between several Legions and a handful of Warbands, to the Fallen?


Which one is the most ruthlessly disliked, even among other Traitor Marines?


Hey guys, I think what the op is asking is what warband is most hated by us as a community. Like how many seem to dislike the ultra marines (not me personally, I just think they aren't being handled well by GW).


I'd say black legion fits the bill. Personally, they are too bland.

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Nothing bland about the Black Legion. In fact they are one of the best developped and interesting ones.


Of course, the 4th Edition Chaos codex was dedicated into making everyone like them.


I already liked them in the 3.5 one.

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Nothing bland about the Black Legion. In fact they are one of the best developped and interesting ones.


Of course, the 4th Edition Chaos codex was dedicated into making everyone like them.


I already liked them in the 3.5 one.

Well you could like everyone in 3.5, especially how good they were Monogod Khorne with varied troop deployments.

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Problem with 3.5 was that it was insanely unbalanced.

In any case I like both codices. The fluff in both is good. And I like some things in one more than the other.

Unlike many I do not feel like almost uniformily wrecking the codex. The hatred is way over the top.

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I too think that the Black Legion is dull. They get all the cool specialist units from the other Legions, because Abaddon. Meh. When everyone is special, no one is.


The Luna Wolves were fine, interesting paint scheme, ect. BL scheme makes 'em look like Mordor Marines.

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Black legion. Everyone makes fun of abaddon. I read their old fluff about having no symbol and being a undermanned bunch of jerks and I like them best now. But before that I thought they sucked. Also they are the vanilla chaos who are supposed to be the best (who leads the crusades), which is quite similar to the ultras creator of the codex spiritual liege stuff.
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imperial fists will say iron warriors.

space wolves will say thousand sons

You mean Iron Warriors will say Imperial Fists and Thousand Sons will say Space Wolves... -_-


It's they who treated us wrongly, not the other way around...

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Problem with 3.5 was that it was insanely unbalanced.



It has 1 really over the top build : Daemon bomb.

Everything else was fine.


...Iron Warriors were balanced? Oo;


They were, indeed. The majority of people who are most vocal about the IW imbalance most likely never played against 3.5 and know about it from interweb guys who also never played against an IW list. It was a good list, competitive and such. But it wasn't gamebreaking.

See, today, we really have gamebreaking lists, rules and units. But hey, who cares, right ?

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