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Most hated Warband?

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Problem with 3.5 was that it was insanely unbalanced.



It has 1 really over the top build : Daemon bomb.

Everything else was fine.


...Iron Warriors were balanced? Oo;

What, imbalance was being able to take 4 predators/havoc squads, or a *single* vindicator and 3 of the above?


The IW list just made a shooty CSM army viable.

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Problem with 3.5 was that it was insanely unbalanced.

In any case I like both codices. The fluff in both is good. And I like some things in one more than the other.

Unlike many I do not feel like almost uniformily wrecking the codex.

It really wasn't. It was flexible in that it was essentially 9 army books in one. Few players knew what to expect and even then it was a toss-up between many viable builds.


The cookie cutter IW build was only strong versus the unprepared and the non-tourney players, because nobody expect to be Obliterated (pun intended) by the 4x3 or pie-plated by the quad Vindi/Basilisks.

You almost never saw those lists take top spots in tourneys for the same reason.


The only things approaching broken in 3.5 was the siren daemon bomb and regular daemon bomb builds.


The hatred is way over the top.
Hatred is a strong word and while I do believe many feel just that against the current book, isn't it understandable?


Try to imagine if GW put all loyalist chapters in one codex - and then tossed the fluff.

You are a Blood Angels/SW/DA/BT (etc.) player? Now only by paint scheme..


I can hear the screams already.



My 2 Kraks

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because nobody expect to be Obliterated (pun intended) by the 4x3 or pie-plated by the quad Vindi/Basilisks.

Well, it would have been awesome to take four of those, but in my codex there is only an option to take one of each of those two options...

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Try to imagine if GW put all loyalist chapters in one codex - and then tossed the fluff.

You are a Blood Angels/SW/DA/BT (etc.) player? Now only by paint scheme..


I can hear the screams already.


I'd call it the Reckoning Day.

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Try to imagine if GW put all loyalist chapters in one codex - and then tossed the fluff.

You are a Blood Angels/SW/DA/BT (etc.) player? Now only by paint scheme..


I can hear the screams already.


Haha, that would be hilaroius- the in-game reason is that the Imperium begins applying the rules of Codex Astartes rigorously, and brands any chapter in non-compliance as a heretic.



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