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Valtens Grey Knights


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Been a long time since I posted in this thread, but since I've now finished my Brotherhood (or sorts) I thought I might as well finish with pics of all of my Grey Knights.


First up, here is Coteaz



So with him done, I'll recap the models that I've painted over the past 18 months.


Grand Master Valten and Servo Skulls



Agent 404



Purifer Squad Troy



Terminator Squad Dagonet



Strike Squad Kay



Interceptor Squad Florence



Honoured Brother Mormont



Honoured Brother Arryn



And finally, a picture of all of my Grey Knights



All done, no more Grey Knights for me. To be honest, I'm a little relieved - I no longer need to paint silver any more.


C&C as usual guys!!

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From what I can see on my small phone screen, they look good :tu: I just think that the armour is a tad too light in colour, but that's my personal opinion.


As soon as I'm back on my laptop, I'll see if there's anything I could C&C!


Anyway, congrats with finishing your army! :)




EDIT: Now that I'm on the laptop, I can see that there's not much to C&C. Apart from maybe the small "I" on Coteaz's head which could be improved by making the two lines (top and bottom of the I) straighter, highlighting Coteaz's armour a bit more and making the colours on the banner a bit brighter.


That's all I can see that could be "improved".

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Thanks for you comments so far. I'm really happy that I did Coteaz in red - I drew a lot of inspiration from The Lord Inquisitor.


I've removed the picture of Honoured Brother Stark from the first post because it was the wrong one. The proper one is below.


Honoured Brother Stark


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Especially the Assassin... Oh 404... best name for any self-respecting professional!


I work in IT, it had to be done!


One thing that you can't see in the pictures is that each Grey Knight has their own name and individual heraldry I black and red. This is the Brotherhood of the Sword so each brother has a sword on their heraldry - apart from the Purifiers who has a flame of white.


Thank you for your comments so far.

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