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Thinking of starting Iron Warriors...


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Hey all.


With the upcoming release of both the Dark Vengeance Starter set and eventually a new CSM codex, I'm thinking about starting up an Iron Warriors warband, because who doesn't love artillery?


Anyways, I'm already thinking about some conversions. I want many of them to feature exposed gear and cogs and that kind of machinery, but I have no idea where to find gears at that scale. I've thought about going to second hand shops and buying some small appliances (electric razors, tape recorders etc...) to tear apart, but I'm not sure if that will yield what I need.


So, if anyone can suggest ways to make Iron Warriors look sufficiently mechanical, I'd be very appreciative.



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You're probably looking for old pocketwatch gears & cogs. Cosplayers use this stuff to make homemade steampunk jewelry & decorations. Here's a few quick hits from googling "steampunk pocketwatch gears cogs" - it seems this 'etsy.com' is the place to go.







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When steampunking don't just cog, never forget the power of giant pistons and springs! Or, more accurately, tiny springs from mechanical pencils and pens and pistons made of things such as those cotton-bud-on-a-stick thingys.
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Some useful references;


http://necrontyronline.freeforums.org/view...p?f=4&t=580 - Steampunk Necron conversion blog.


http://necrontyronline.freeforums.org/post18989.html? - A tutorial on how to really make your cogs go the distance (IE: casting your own out of green stuff or epoxy or whatever).

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Go to a hardware, craft, or hobby store (the kind that sells plastic trains, not a GW store), and look for brass wires & tubes. You should be able to get various sizes, including wires that fit into tubes and tubes that fit into thicker tubes, and you can use them to make pistons & hydrolic type mechanical thingies.


If you want to bend a tube, fill it w/ water & freeze it first (don't plug both ends or it will break), so the ice will keep it from kinking.

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Here's some more stuff for conversions.


This site has an awesome supply of miscellaneous odds and ends that every converting would want.



This site has AWESOME rivets. .03-.05 works awesome for 40k's 28mm heroic scale.


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The Iron Hands conversion pack has lots of useful bits.


MAXMINI also has some nice steampunk/bionic bits. Backpacks, Bionics and weapons.


Personally I haven't used any bionics on my IWs but I think they'll really set them apart from other legions and add heaps of character. My IWs suffer from looking like generic chaos space marines but with the IW colour scheme. I look forward to seeing what you come up with. Its a very exciting time to be a Chaos player!

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