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The Pyre, conflicting info?

Lord Kallozar

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Just out of curiosity,


Ive noticed that the Pyre warband is said to have turned traitor during the 13th Black Cusade which is set in 999.M41. But now I've seen on lexicanum that the Pyre were first encountered in 131.M41. So which one is it?


Can anyone shed some light on this for me please? Ans is there any fluff on how/why the Pyre turned traitor?

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Well canon canon is retconned and dates frequently are in error too in regular sources or so i've been told.

(I never bother to compare all those dates)

FFG's stuff is thoroughly checked and doublechecked by GW. GW is (rightly so) rather neurotically obsessed with ensuring the quality of their product.

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It's always worth considering in this sort of question, 'First encountered by whom?'. The Pyre might have turned traitor earlier, but only appeared in a subsector half-way across the universe a hundred years later.


When dealing the warp etc, and general FTL travel, it's not unreasonable to think that it might have taken them that long to get where they were encountered.

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