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the crimson slaughter

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well these guys are apparently the new starter guys so who are they. considering ive lost most of my codex back supply, for those of you who have them, do they appear much, who are they and whats so bad about them? links to info in books etc please too!
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Many people think they're Khornate - red and gold/brass are his colours, after all. There is also a certain Khornate flavour to the models in the Starter Set. Most likely they're a renagade bunch rather than Legion descendants. If they are a Legion it's probably either Word Bearers or World Eaters - I'll be painting mine as Word Bearers anyway.
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I have a fairly strong belief that they're a Word Bearers warband - the colours match, and they seem to have Chaos marines, cultists and some daemon-engine type things, going by the starter box contents.


It could be anything. My money is on Renegades, as everyone thought the Chosen of Nemeroth in Space Marine were Khornate when they were Undivided.

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Everyone thought the Chosen of Nemeroth in Space Marine were Khornate when they were Undivided.


I just thought "Khornate warband? But their leader is a sorcerer. That makes no sense!" Then I remembered Kyras. Thanks THQ. ;)



Crimson Slaughter kind of sounds Khornate though.

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Everyone thought the Chosen of Nemeroth in Space Marine were Khornate when they were Undivided.


I just thought "Khornate warband? But their leader is a sorcerer. That makes no sense!" Then I remembered Kyras. Thanks THQ. :)



Crimson Slaughter kind of sounds Khornate though.


Yes, more reasonably so too. It's probably in the middle, GW has released Berzerkers in the Chaos starters for how many years now?

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Basically this is all we have



Maybe in the starter set we'll see something more.

Great... The Nephilim Sector? I guess back to the drawing board on my DIY Warband name. :)


I don't see why, the time in that wikia is very recent. So long as GW doesn't specify that Sector having some Chaotic presence only because of the Crimson Slaughter, you can push your DIY a few centuries, or millenia.

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Basically this is all we have



Maybe in the starter set we'll see something more.

Great... The Nephilim Sector? I guess back to the drawing board on my DIY Warband name. :)


I don't see why, the time in that wikia is very recent. So long as GW doesn't specify that Sector having some Chaotic presence only because of the Crimson Slaughter, you can push your DIY a few centuries, or millenia.

I'd rather not have anything I write affiliated with what they do. It's just a shame that they wasted the Nephilim on a sector name. The Nephilim are so much cooler than that. And very Slaaneshi. *sigh* Damn you GW writers. *grumble* Back to the friggin' drawing board.



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