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Model identification

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Dear PC&A,


Can anyone identify this model for me and/or provide additional pictures?




If I had to guess it's some kind of collector's piece- the reason I'm asking is so I can either track one down, or find enough angles of the piece via pictures to scratch build the banner and have it ready for a biker command squad.


Thanks in advance brothers!

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That was a limited edition Ultramarines Standard Bearer offered under the Skullz Program (back during 3rd edition).


A good starting point. Thanks Brother Tyler for the info! Now I just gotta track down a model or pics of the models rear and I'm good to go haha.

If I recall correctly from the one I had, the back of the banner was nothing but scrunched material - nothing to worry about from a scratchbuild perspective.


A common complaint with the model was that it was "weedy" (meaning that many people thought the proportions were a bit thin for a Space Marine.


The image you have is sufficient to scratchbuild a suitable substitute.

Just wanted to thank you for the help Brother Tyler, I'm gonna see about scratchbuilding a suitable banner piece using actual cloth for that realistic drapery.


Round two of model identification, if anyone could oblige.



Can anyone tell me where this bolter comes from? and/or provide more pictures? My instinct says it's from some OOP scout kit, but I can't be sure.




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