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Model placement


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Simple question -can you place models in or on terrain where they cant actually fit/stand?


What about flyers skimmers? We had a guy last tourney place his vendetta on the top wall of a high ruin - not the floor of the ruin, the wall of it, didnt balance it there- just said it was.



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JamesI is right, the model has to be able to be physically placed there. I believe the same holds for all scenery, such as skimmers landing ontop of impassable terrain, they can only do so if the model can be placed there.


So that player shouldn't have pulled that.

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+1 to the above.

The only situation where this is debatable is "Wobbly Model Syndrome" (or whatever they called it in this edition of the rules), where the base could fit in the place, but due to the model itself (a front heavy or poorly-balanced model) it can't stand there.

If the base could never fit there, the model cannot be placed there. Period.

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