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Most well liked Warband?

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So going with the theme, who is the most well liked warband? Which gaggle of transhuman death machines gets along best with their fellow Traitors? Who gets high fives from the Death Guard and loving embraces from the Emperor's Children? Just curious who you think the best Legion/Warband etc is at getting along?
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Warband as in 'not Legion' I'd say the Red Corsairs are pretty top-notch in courting and drafting not only renegades but also specialist troops from other factions.

Huron is a great char on top of that -_- (love his portrayal in the Night Lords trilogy)

Legion-wise the Black Legion is the obvious answer.


Though 'most love' is in both cases a relative thing.

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I have no direct evidence for this but I would believe that the Thousand Sons are well respected, simply by virture of pyskers being rare and needed. They might not be liked, as even Chaos marines are prone to distrust of the powers of the warp, but its hard to deny their usefulness and that gives them some value and respect.
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Alphas! High fives from the Death Guard and loving embraces from the Emperor's Children because the DG think he's one of them at the same time as the EC think he's a long-lost brother/sister/weird mix of the two. :geek:


If I have to chose a group other than my own though, it'd be the World Eaters, easy to please, good fun in a fight, like the shiny red and LOVE the incongruously cute bunny ears. ;) Strangely enough they were also the lot I picked for most hated (along with BL), meh, I'm sure that wouldn't seem odd to someone who lived in the EoT.


In answer to your subtitle: I have kittens for Khârn! His helmet makes him look like a grumpy rabbit and somehow Gorechild just adds to the appearance of petulant cuteness.

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I'm gonna agree with Magnus Thane on the Corsairs... despite scary augmetics, Huron seems a much more decent conversationalist than Abaddon, so check-plus on the charisma theme.


As far as sheer usefulness in a fight, though, I'm going with the World Eaters for gung-ho popularity. And everyone, EVERYONE knows that the World Eaters inherited their primarch's genengineered love of kittens... It's how Lorgar ultimately swayed Angron, after all. Each and every one of them is a card-carrying member of PETA.


Spay and neuter your cats, kids... euthanizing unwanted felines will bring violent, bloody death at then business end of a screaming chainaxe.



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I can imagine that the Corsairs are viewed with scorn by some of the Legions, them being upstarts and all that.

No one can deny the power level and dedication of Abaddon and his gang though.

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If you are going with Hurons warband, there is a short eBook story called Skull Harvest by mr. McNeil. One of the main character is Huron Blackheart and you will get an insight of their home planet.The main character is Warsmith Honsou. You have probably read it, but if you have not this is a good short novel to get some inspiration from.

Here is a link:


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I have finally found and excuse for my warband to run the most savage of the Blood God's berzerkers! The only question is, how cute can I make him whilst only re-posing etc? We shall see, sometime soonish.


To the man who proposed TS as the most popular, most of them are Rubrics; it's like saying that the most popular group at a party is the group of sofas, and no matter how incredibly comfy they are, furniture does not count. I will not deny that furniture can be useful though, so I think that I agree with you? Sleep needed. But I am now imagining my bed as some freaky TS daemon type thing.

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whichever warband is, at the moment, helping you destroy the False Emperor's pitiful servants.


Hmm, off topic, but the whole "false Emperor" thing doesn't really work well for me, cause he killed their candidate (though you could argue they killed eachother, just the Emp did a better job of killing Horus)


On topic, I believe that each warband buddies up according to past affiliations and necessity, and that the Black Legion is best at gaining cooperation from everyone else.. They ultimately want to see the Imperium destroyed, and a new Chaotic Imperium established with Abaddon as the new Emperor.

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Hmm, off topic, but the whole "false Emperor" thing doesn't really work well for me, cause he killed their candidate (though you could argue they killed eachother, just the Emp did a better job of killing Horus)


False Emperor? It isn't the fact that he is the Emperor that is being denigrated in that moniker- it represents the fact that is he is just a corpse with a knack for witchery, rather than the deity he is widely believed to be by the hated Imperium.


Compared to the glorious Dark Gods, he is nothing.

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