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Fists of Dorn chapter

darnarth lysander

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So I was thinking if this hasn't been taken yet that the sons of Dorn would be a good split off from the imperial fist but still keep there seige warfare likeness and a majority of the same backround, Because honestly, Imperial fists are hard to paint and after a while they become kind of an eyesore :geek: . (no offennse to imperial fists or their players, this is just my opinion.)

Needed fluff of course work will continue, ;)

sorry for the spelling mistake!

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Bit lacking in details so far :geek:

Will be nice to see another IA up, this board moves very slowly. But the main reason for my visit, I'm sorry to say, is that the criticism has now begun: that apostrophe in their name would, if I were an Inquisitor, result in their founder being used as daemon-bait.


So what shall this new paint job be?

Ok so here is what could be the paint job I've retianed some of the yellow but mainly gone away with it and replaced it with red.

I am completely open to suggestions and other Ideas this is just an idea.


Oh and sorrry about the backround painting error.

P.S. I left the helmet blank because of staus

There is an officially mentioned Sons of Dorn Chapter, but no other information has been given on the Chapter so there's no reason you can't create a DIY rendition.


From the picture above we all know that they'll blend in with red environments. :cuss

Okay so the chapter master could instead be just seige master

this list goes in order of importance Irl and ig for naming and for gaming

Siege master - Mallor inusad

10 company commanders ( captians )

Seargeants roughly 10 per a company ( 100 marines in a company, 10 units of 10 )



Tanks of notice

marines of notice

1 st company squads of notice

rest of tanks

possibly rest of squads

History next on the list.

open to suggestions as always.

Homeworld - mundi, in the mid-Segmentum Solar. Earth like world, populaition = about 5 billion recriutment from home world and neighbouring planets specialised in seige warfare and defence Successor chapter from the Imperial fists.

Note - large numbers of vindincators and heavy weapons

sigil is the imperial fists painted blue.

I am completely open to suggestions and other Ideas this is just an idea.

It's not a bad set of colours. To be honest, the only bit I find jarring is the yellow midsection armour. It seems a bit jarring to have it next to the chest eagle of the same colour.

*Puts on Heraldry Dept. Hat*

So I'd change that to something like:


I coloured the hat in instead of leaving it white in this example pic, but that's easily changed. :)

Sons of Dorn as they appeared in 305(UK). They later appeared in "How to Paint Space Marines".


nurgling6688 here on the B&C created them for the Create a Chapter contest that GW had and they were "picked up" by GW as a result.



More glorius fluff!

Timeline of notable events

M33- The Fists of Dorn founded

m38- FoD Settle upon the world of Mundi, after terraforming it turned it into a garden world, and create their fortress monastery on the collection of islands trapped in a anomaly of low gravity. These will become to be known as the Heavens.

M42- Under the command of seige master Tuluis Herman the FoD purge the tainted forge world, Jurico, of the foul and blasphemous Iron Knights. Constantly bombarding and then sending in 1st company squad damecos to plant a virus device that wipes all life from the planet, but leaves the all important Titan factorium unharmed.

More history soon just need to do some checks!

a virus device that wipes all life from the planet, but leaves the all important Titan factorium unharmed.


Just saying, but if the Imperium had these, they would use them all of the time.


these are pre-heresy weapons and the STC for them was destroyed, along with many other items that followed the same path, the Imperial Fist own a small number of these such weapons and therefore only use them in the most dire needs.

This was the only way to Purge the chaos taint from this world, along with a mass cleansing ritual from the techpriests of the FoD chapter to stop the machine spirits being tainted as well.

Oh and sorry I was so long, got caught up in real life problems.

Now for more of that wonderful stuff we call fuff!! :HQ:

Timeline Cont.

M39- Leading the entire Fod chapter against Waaaagh!! skraakboss in a direct approach on the remote world of :HQ: in an attempt to stop it before it gains momentumn (sorry) and succeds after sending wave after wave of vindicators and thunderfire cannons to knock down the great wall that the orks have made,then sending the entire of the 5th company tactical squads through the massive hole blown apart by concentrating fire on the weakest part of the ork structure. After a devestating fight in which captian ruil smith of the 5th company kicks the warboss into a well, killing him (see what I did there?) and blunting the orks.

M41- the FoD chapter goes to war on Armeggedon. Seige master Tuluis Herman fighting off wave after wave of Orks to buy his fellow battle-brothers time to escape a cunning trap set by the orks, He does not survive.

M41-the Seige master becomes Mallor inusad.

well thats about all that bit of fluff from me,feel free to add to it,more next time!!

This is the color scheme I saw a guy field as a Fists of Dorn Chapter, keeping the yellow as a main and black for details, backpack and fists. I think it looks cool and keeps with the yellow themed fluffy thing and black.




I know you like the red themed Fists of Dorn, but I just thought to throw this out there for ya just in case.



There is a very rare exterminatus weapon called the Life Eater Virus, the virus, once released, is only viable for a short time (a few hours at most). It was used by Horus during his betrayal at Istvaan III. It was also used during the Badab uprising, but on a much smaller scale.


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